1 Escape from reality

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Too sad to write, but it would be just as sad to let it go..I'm not a writer , I'm not an author , I'm just a teenager who wants to release his ideas and emotions without people's judgement, at least a magical paper and pen won't judge me.. Idk if I'm going to publish this , idk if anybody will ever read this , but I'll still write anyways. writing is the expeller of demons, the destroyer of darkness, the guardian of the flame of Life. The writer is merely a peon in the hands of their Inner Mojo. The less Demonism there is, the purer is the Mojo. The purer is the Mojo, the greater satisfaction is to follow ..I think this is how most of us first start writing.To run away from what makes us suffer, be it pain, disillusion, failure, loss, lack of meaning and purpose in life. Writing becomes then the only way out, the only light in the darkness of a life that doesn't match our expectations.This is what I call 'writing as an escape from reality".If writing is your calling, don't quit. Sometimes we have nothing significant to say, sometimes I may write whole chapters and end up deleting all of them, just like Sisyphus who keeps pushing that giant rock up only to watch it rolling down again so that he has to push it up again and again..

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