2 Inspiration

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Suffering can be of a great inspiration and many great writers have delivered their best works while in deep pain.This kind of writing enlightenment doesn't last though.Something happens and life becomes interesting and joyful again.This is how most people quit writing. They feel they don't need to run away from reality anymore.But is suffering really the only source of inspiration?I have struggled a lot to find the answer over the last years and now I can tell you the answer is no.There are incredible things you can create while being happy. You can use your skills and experiences to inspire others, make people believe in life again.Don't censor your inspiration. Let it come from whenever it wants to come.We've been conditioned to believe that only darkness and sorrow can deliver masterpieces. It is not true. Drama is not an inherent characteristic of great art.You don't have to be a damned poet to be called a writer.Reality, everyday life, happiness, are all amazing sources of inspiration.If you are passionate about writing, then anything and everything around you can inspire you. Say, the winds, the sparkling moon, the sunsets, the spring flowers, the autumn leaves, birds flying in the sky, or stars twinkling in the dark sky, the streetside beggar, the haunted nightmare, the lady spending time in solitude, feminism, patriarchy , moments when life feels unreal and also "sadness"..

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