3 Sadness

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I love writing when I'm sad , I feel like I'm fully inspired. Sadness ! Sorrow ! Unhappiness ! Depression ! Broken-heartedness! a big word right?It comes so easy to write about anything sad , heartbreak, unrequited love , broken promises, disloyal people...specially if we're feeling it, because more the pain is , easily the words flow.I know how it feels like to live in agony and i know how It feels like to be neither happy nor satisfied. Because I experienced sadness all these past years.But why do we have to feel sad? Are these sad feelings nothing more than a result of a mood swing? No they are not; these sad feelings are messages sent to you by your subconscious mind in order to show you  that something is going wrong in your life. The main causes for sadness are uncountable but they can all be summarized under one big category, Unsolved Problems. But how to stop feeling sad?Whether it’s an unsolved problem or whether it’s a problem that is buried into your subconscious mind the result will be sad feelings. The only way to deal with these sad feelings is to solve what can be solved and to accept what cannot be solved; only then your sad feelings will go away. If you don’t like this approach, you can start it the other way around, by going on a long journey towards feeling joyful  : the happiness adventure.

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