4 Happiness

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Happiness ! Joy ! Gladness! Ecstasy! Euphoria! Cheerfullness ! Joviality ! Light-heartedness! A big word right? Happiness is something which we can't describe in words ,it can only be felt from someone's expression of a smile , a laugh.. Likewise, happiness is a signal of a good prosperous life. It is very simple to feel but difficult to describe. Moreover, happiness comes from within and no one can steal it easily.But why everyday we see and meet people who are smiling and laughing from the outside? they seem to be happy , but no .. when we know them closely we find out that they may be sad or broken deep down in their hearts.. I also experienced this feeling : the fake happiness , it's like wearing a smiling mask when you're not smiling ,the main reason of this is that we don't want to share bad vibes or negativity to our entourage to not affect them badly.Till now we didn't figure out what's the real happiness . A lot of people say that money can buy you happiness , that's kinda logical right? With money you can buy whatever you want , luxurious houses, sport cars , fav food , healthy lifestyle servants and many many more facilities, but when we think abt it deeply , is all of this a real happiness , no it's not it's just a temporary one.Because if money can trully buy happiness , then the rich would be the happiest person on the universe, but we see the contrary image of them as they are mostly sad , fearful , anxious , stressed and drowning in a sea of problems.. As we know now that happiness can't be bought with money and there's no other shortcuts to attend the climax of your mood. Then what's the true happiness? ..

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