Filmed before a live studio audience part 1.

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Hi readers before the story starts I just want to say that this story will be in Isabella's point of view unless it says others wise. Isabella has a nick name and that is Bella. She also has powers similar to Wanda's but a little different we will get in to that later.Ok let's get in to it.

I don't remember anything that happened the night before. All I remember is waking up in Westview. In this bed that felt like it wasn't mine but I don't care it was soft. I don't want to get out of bed but so decided that I should. I crawled out of bed and put on a pot a dotted dress.

30 second time change

I got in to the kitchen where my parents were. As I walked in a plate flew over my head.

"My wife and her flying saucers." My dad said in a strange tone but I didn't mind it.

"My husband and his indestructible head." Mom said in the same tone which I didn't mind but it was weird.

" don't we make a fine pair" dad says as he pulls mom in for a kiss. I sneak up behind mom and yell " boo" I made mom jump and I couldn't help but laugh.

" oh my! Bella that scared me! Where did you come from?"

" from my room that is upstairs" my voice filled with sarcasm and attitude.

" well don't do that please darling. I nearly had a heart attack."

"Sorry mom"  I looked up to meet their faces the look on their faces told me that me apologize was not good enough for them.

They both looked angry and knew what I did was not up to my parents standards and I ran off. They didn't follow which was fine because I just ran off to the living room and just sat on the floor in front of the couch.

I heard my parents in the kitchen they were talking about food.

"What do you say to silver dollar pancake, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice, and black coffee?"

Mmmmm that sounds like a great breakfast. Come to think of it I was hungry and breakfast sounded like a good idea so I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"I say, "Oh, I don't eat food." Dad explained with a light laugh

Right I forget that dad doesn't eat because he is a robot and doesn't have a working stomach.

"Well, that explains the empty refrigerator." Mom says and looks to the door where I am standing

" I am hungry. I heard dad and you talking about food and I got hungry." I said looking at the ground.

" Bella don't look and the ground when you are talking look at us in the eyes. And yes you can get so breakfast. But it will have to be a apple for now until I got shopping and get some food ok dear?"

I signed and grabbed a apple. Dad come up and hugged me from behind.

" Wanda?"


" Is there something special about today?" Dad said looking at the calendar.

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