All-new halloween spooktacular part 2

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Mom gasps as she looks over at her brother. Why is she gasping? Is she getting another one of those vision this like she and I got with dad?

" Are you okay?" Uncle p asks mom giving her a side hug.

" I'm fine." Mom said not looking fine

Mom has never been good at hiding her emotions she was clearly not fine but I was not going to sat anything.

" uh huh" uncle p says looking at mom.

Mom seriously looks like she has seen a ghost.

" ummmm" I said falling off of the hay thing we are sitting one.

"What is it Bella? mom asked"

" Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" Billy said

" What? What is it, Billy?" Mom asked

" I hear Dad in my head. He's in trouble." Billy and I said at the same time

" WHAT!" mom said freaking out.

" Where is he? Where's your dad?" Mom asked me first

" I don't know I can only feel that his is in trouble" I said

" Hey, don't sweat it, sis. It's not like your dead husband can die twice" uncle p said

I used my powers to make him fly across the town square and knock over decorations

" Billy, I need you to focus." Mom said

" can't tell. I see these... soldiers" Billy said

"Mom they freezes everyone and tells us to go back to the house. The next thing we know we are at the house waiting for mom.

" what is going on?" Tommy asked

" I don't know Tommy" I said

" mom knows what she is doing dad will be fine" Billy said. He sounded unsure even though we all knew mom could do it.

" I hope dad is ok" Tommy said

" I am sure mom has dad safe. Lets count how much candy we each have" I said changing my the subject

" ok this will be fun. I bet I will win" Tommy said

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