On a very special episode part 1

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"Sweet, sweet Tommy, don't you wanna sleep? Mommy and Bella want to sleep" mom said as she held Tommy trying to make he sleep.

" Yes, Tommy I would like to sleep." I said covering my ears with a pillow.

" If you go to sleep, I promise you will be my favorite twin." Mom said looking at me and back to Tommy.

" Oh, come on now, darling. You know we love them both equally." Dad said walking out of the kitchen holding billy.

" Well, don't tell him that." Mom said as she put Tommy in his crib.

" Can't they be quite for like 10 minutes please!" I said covering my ears with another pillow.

" No luck with Billy?" Mom asked

" Tried reading to him, but for some reason, Charles Darwin's The Descent of Man made him cry even harder. Oh. Care to dance, darling" dad said moving closer to mom.

"Please don't" I said

"It's almost like we're on a date." Mom said

" Get a room please." I said no covering my eyes with a pillow

" Vis Would you mind grabbing their binkies?" Mom asked

"Oh. 'Course not. Binkies all round, I think." Dad said going to get the Binkies.

" Now, I know parents aren't supposed to take shortcuts, but I think this situation calls for one, don't you?" Mom said

" yes! Yes I do" I said now at moms side.

"go to sleep, my babies." Mom says using her magic to try to make them go to sleep. Moms  magic not doing a thing.

"And go to sleep." I said trying to make them go to sleep with my magic.

"Well, I don't think it's very funny. Why won't you do what I want?" Mom asked

" because they are babies" I said under my breath as I walked back to the couch and put pillows over my ears.

" What's that, dear?" Dad said with the binkies in his ears. I couldn't help but laugh.

" That is not where those go!" Mom said as she took the binkies and wiped them off on her blouse.

" Noise cancelation is not their primary function?" Dad asks look over at me. He saw me smiling and smiled back.

"Look, I think it's work..." I said walking over to the cribs and to my parents. As soon as I walked over to the cribs the babies spit out their binkies and continue to cry.

"What are we doing wrong?" Mom asked throwing her hands in the air with frustration.

"Oh, don't worry, dear. We'll figure it out. Perhaps we all need more time to get to know one another." Dad says pull mom and I into a hug.

"Maybe. Or maybe we just need some help." I said as the door bell ringed.

" oh" dad said going to the couch. He picked up a pillow to hide his face. I walked over to the couch as well. I just didn't want to stand anymore.

"Hiya, kids!" Agnes says smiling as she walks into the house.

"Oh, look it's Agnes" I said my voice filled with sarcasm. Mom and dad gave me a look. I also could have swore Agnes looked over too.

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