Now in color part 2

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As we were setting up the baby's room. I suddenly had a vision of something that I have never seen before. It was a man in a iron suit and a man with a bow and lots of arrows. It looked like they were saying something to me I think but I couldn't hear them.

"Bella! Bella! Oh god Bella your ok. What happened? Mom asked seeing that I was on the ground.

" I don't know but I am ok. Just haven't had much to eat maybe. Maybe I just need sugar I should be fine soon. Thanks mom." I said standing up and gave mom a hug.

"Mom you have nothing to worry about." I said after seeing the worried look on her face.

"Nothing to worry about outside of morning sickness, mood swings, aching back and... Feet. Darling, you should probably sit down" dad said clearly only hearing part of the conversation.

" Don't be silly. All I feel is excitement, happiness, and... Oh!" Mom said

"Kicking? Already? Wow!" Dad said going over to mom. I got up and walked over just so I wasn't on the ground.

"Oh, it's such a strange sensation. It's kind of fluttery" mom said with a laugh. As she laughed the butterfly's on the baby mobile flew off of it and were flying thought out the whole room.

" um mom" I said with multiple butterflies on me.

"Oh, did I do that? I didn't mean to." Mom said a little embarrassed about the whole thing.

"Mom don't be embarrassed it's ok." I said suddenly I realized what I said I stepped away.

" honey how did you know I was embarrassed?" Mom asked taking a step closer to me along with dad.

" I don't know I just felt your embarrassment when you were talking." I said trying so hard not to look down at the ground.

" that's odd" dad said giving mom a look that I haven't seen before.

" well anyway if that was the first kick, that puts you at about six months! Boy, oh, boy, I thought I had super speed. I can't keep up. Please don't misinterpret. I can't wait to meet you, little Billy." Dad said giving moms stomach a kiss.

"Billy?" I ask confused on we're dad came up with that name. I like it but we're did he come up with it so fast?

"Yeah" dad said. He sounded proud about the name.

" Well, I was thinking Tommy. Just a nice, classic, all-American name" mom said

" well I was think Elizabeth. Or Eliza or Beth for short if it is a girl. " I said smiling.

"Hmm, Tommy. Hmm, Elizabeth. yeah. Yeah. Then there's Billy, isn't there? Named after William Shakespeare. "All the world's a stage. All the men and women, merely players." Dad said playfully poking me in the arm.

"Well, I guess there's only one solution to this debate. Hope for a girl" I said happily skipping out of the room and on the the couch.

"Well, we ought to decide soon. I estimate the baby's due... It's not a constant progression, assumingly logarithmic, but were I to graph the fetal development thus far..." dad said walking in to the room with mom close behind.

"He's gonna be here before you figure it out" mom said

" or she" I reminded both mom and dad.

" or she" mom said smiling and sat down next to me.

"Nearest I can conclude is that Billy... Hmm. due Friday afternoon" dad said shocked on how early that is.

" three days" I said looking over at mom

" maybe I should sit down" mom said not realizing that she was already sitting down.

Time skip

"I think we have an understanding. Start the clock. Time." Dad said holding a doll in his hand trying to put on a diaper as fast as he could.

Mom and I were in the kitchen making dinner I looked up and dad was done.

"Your personal best" mom said smiling

"Don't you remember doing all this for me?" I asked

" darling it was a long time ago we just need a reminder that's all." Mom said giving me a quick hug.

"Yes! We are nothing if not prepared" dad said as we walked into the kitchen.

" Oh!" Mom said dropping the spoon that she has in her hand

" mom?" I asked

"Darling?" Dad asked looking worried

"Ooh! Do any of your books talk about this? It's not painful, but it's strange" mom asked holding her stomach

" A tightening sensation?" I asked running to the book that dad was reading before dad could.

"Yep that's it" mom said looking over at dad who seemed upset that he couldn't answer the question. The dad came up behind me and scooped me up and grabbed the book from out of my hands and put me on his shoulders.

"Yes. Where was it, where was it? "Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labor, usually starts in the third trimester. Named after John Braxton Hicks in 1875." Dad said reading from the book.

" Honey." Mom said still holding her stomach.

"Sorry. Yes. Yes. Ooh! Excellent! Gives us a chance to work on our breathing exercises. It should go like this." Dad said as he demonstrated the breathing exercise.

" don't do that please. It sounds weird." I said laughing because of the sound.

"Yeah, it's not working. I can still feel it." Mom said laughing at my statement.

Suddenly the kitchen sink turns on and we hear a scream.

"What is going on?" I asked trying really hard not to panic because this could be normal.  We all leave the kitchen.

I cover my ears because it keeps getting louder and louder. I started to cry because this is not normal and I didn't know what is  going on. I could feel that someone in Westview was feeling frustrated and another was feeling confused. Both were not my parents. I just kept my eyes closed and a tear ran down my face.

"It stopped. Bella dear you can uncover your ears now." Dad said wiping the tears off of my face.

"I'll go check on the neighbors" dad said getting up and left to see the neighbors.  It didn't take long for him to come back

"It appears that the whole block is out." Dad said walking over to wear mom and I were.

"  and that was just a fake contraction. Man this is going to be fun." I said with attitude but mom and dad just laughed

"Who knows what will happen when the real thing starts. Do you think they know it's my fault?" Mom asked a little concerned

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