Filmed before a live studio audience part 2

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"Well, I know the apron is a bit much, dear, but I am doing my best to blend in." Mom said clearly not paying attention to what dad and I are looking at.

"No, no, there on the calendar. Someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date." Dad said looking down at me as if I did it.

"Dad why would I draw a heart on the calendar?" I asked confused on why he would be looking at me.

Mom turns to the calendar "Oh, yes, the heart." Clearly mom and dad both have no clue what the heart means. I smile at the sight of my parents not knowing what the heart means. I am just as confused as they are.

" have a good day dear" dad says now looking normal. He blows a kiss to mom and I run and give him a hug.

" bye dad" I turn to mom and see her still looking at the hear on the calendar. I couldn't help but wonder what today is. My wondering was cut short when mom and I heard a knock on the door. We both walk into the living room confused on who it might be. I go and sit on the couch and mom answers the door.

"Oh! Hello, dear. I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. My right, not yours. Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn't."

I don't like this woman and I only just met  her.

"So, what's your name? Where are you from? And, most importantly, how's your bridge game, hon?"

Why is she asking so much questions?

"I am Wanda and this is my daughter Isabella" mom says. I noticed she used my full name and not Bella.

"Wanda charmed to meet you and Isabella what a lovely name. Is it ok if I call you Bella?" Agnes says as she shakes my hand. Mom can tell I am uncomfortable but I give her the " I am fine but this is weird" look.

"Sure." I said " you can call be Bella."

"Golly, you settled in fast! Did you use a moving company?"

Does this woman ever not ask questions. Golly, she is nosy. I look over at mom and quickly looked at the ground to avoid having to talk to Agnes again.

"I sure did. Those boxes don't move themselves." Mom says waking over to me and lifted my head so I wouldn't be rude.

But they did move them selves but mom doesn't want anyone to know that.

"So, what's a single gal like you doing rattling around this big house With just your daughter?" 

"Oh, no, I'm not single." Mom says as I am smiling and trying to hold backs laugh. Mom elbows me in the side slightly to let me know that she knows what I was thinking. 

"Oh, I don't see a ring." Agnes says while looking at moms hand. Come to think of it both mom and dad don't have rings. Weird that they are married but they don't have rings. 

" I'm married. To a man. A human one, and tall. As a matter of fact, he'll be home later tonight for a special occasion."

Really mom. A human one and tall.  Not everyone is married to human Synthroid. With the mind stone fueling his power and is his life source. 

"Yes, it's our anniversary!"

"but I thought you and dad didn't know what today was" I said. Mom gave me the look

" darling, of course me and your father know what today it is Bella don't worry about it" 

Now I am just super confused.

"Oh, how marvelous! How many years?" Agnes asked but  now she was looking at me and not mom.
I don't like this woman I have a bad feeling about her.

"Well, it feels like we've always been together." Mom said grabbing my hand seeing that I was uncomfortable having Agnes staring at me.

"Lucky gal. The only way Ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer named June 2nd."

" well, this has been fun, but mom is it ok if I go and check out town square for a bit?" I asked trying to get out of there before I got even more uncomfortable.

" sure dear just be back at 2. And be safe." Mom said as she walked over to me and kissed my forehead

" thanks mom and I will, love you. I hugged her and ran out of the house to get my bike to head into town.

Time change to 2pm

Wanda and visions daughterWhere stories live. Discover now