On a very special episode part 3

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Time skip to later in the day.

I was downstairs sitting on the couch next to mom watching Billy train Sparky.

"Sit, Sparky, sit. Good dog. Speak." Billy said

" Oh! Bravo, Billy! You weren't so bad either, Sparky." Mom said clapping

"That was radical. Where's Dad? We gotta go show Dad!" Tommy said

" he's at work." I said

" It's Saturday." Billy said confused on why dad was at work on a Saturday.

" No, it's not. It's Monday." Mom said looking at me for backup.

" This morning was Saturday." I said

" There was an emergency at the office and your father had to go in. End of story. ... Look, he just... He needed a distraction." Mom said annoyed

"From us?" Billy and Tommy asked.

" No! No way! No! Sometimes your dad and I aren't on the same page, but that's just temporary. Like the three of you, you might fight over toys and food, but he's always going to be your brother And he is always going to be yours and your sister . Because family is forever." Mom said pulling us all i to a hug.

"Do you have a brother or a sister, Mom?" Tommy asked.

Also I forgot to say but Bella forgot about the Vision that she saw of her dad. And the talk she had with her mom early that day.

"I do. Yeah. He's far away from here. And that makes me sad sometimes." Mom said. The twins and I have mom a hug to make her feel better.

" hey mom something is scaring sparky." I said looking over at the door were sparky was. He was barking at the closed door.

"Stay here." Mom said but as she did sparky ran outside and Tommy and Billy followed.

" Tommy, Billy! Mom said to sta... it's too late now they already ran off. It's fine I'll stay here then." I said clearly talking to no one but my self.

Time skip to when Wanda, Vision, Tommy and Billy come home.

"Well at leader of the kids listened to me."mom said looking over at me on the couch.

" Bella! Bella! Sparky is dead!" Tommy said running over to me Billy following close behind.

" What? How?" I asked Turning to mom.

"Agnes Found him in her azalea bushes she does t know how much leaves he ate." Mom said

Wow the one time we can have a pet and it dies within hours of getting it.

Tommy and Billy went up to their room. Mom look upset and dad watched as they made their way to their room.

" how is everyone?" Dad asked

" A little heartbroken, but we'll be all right." Mom said looking up stairs.

" Well, it's not often you get a dog and bury them the same day." Dad said. He sounded sad about the whole thing but he didn't really know sparky the way the rest of us did.

" Well, life moves pretty fast out in the suburbs." Mom said.

" glad to see your doing better now." Dad said looking over at me. I stood up off the couch and walked over to were my parents were.

" I am. I'm tried I am going to head to bed." I said s I
Hugged mom and dad goodnight.

" sleep well dear." Dad said kissing my forehead.

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