On a very special episode part 2

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" Mommy? Daddy? Sissy?" The twins said

"Kids. You can't control 'em. No matter how hard you try" Agnes said

God she's still here? Why is she still here?
Time skip to in the kitchen

" : I don't think he likes the water." Billy said looking in the sink.

" we have to clean him up" I said cleaning what we had in the sink.

" So, mommy would let us keep him." Tommy said.

" exactly." I said.

"Tommy, Billy, Bella?" Mom yelled

"Oh, no! Mommy's coming!" Tommy said

" No really I would have never guessed that. Good to know that your aren't blind Tommy." I said with loads is attitude and sarcasm.

" You know, I don't miss the crying, but jeez Louise, did you have to learn to walk? You to Bella. You were supposed to be sweeping the living room. None the less you guys never stay put. Unless you're innocently forming a human wall in front of the kitchen sink." Mom said looking at the wall we created around the sink.

" what are talking about what wall" I said

" Bella don't toy with me. You guys are clearly hiding something." Mom said. As the thing in the sink sneezed

"Bless you." Mom said

" thank you" Tommy, Billy and I said.

" Now tell me which one of you just barked? Scoot. Oh, boy. Waiter, what's this canine doing in my kitchen sink?" Mom said making her was passed the
human wall and to the sink.

"The doggy paddle?" Tommy asked. I just rolled my eyes. Great now she will never let us keep him.

" Can we keep him, Mommy?" Billy asked. Wow what a world to live in. Not knowing that mom will say no. What a world.

"Well, I'm sure his owners miss him very much. Come on. Huh. There really is no collar." Mom said. Like I said mom would say no.

" Can we keep him?" Tommy asked giving mom the puppy dog eyes.

" He was outside. Crying, alone." Billy said also giving puppy dog eyes. 

" Bella are you going to give puppy dog eyes too?" Mom asked

" No I just want to see how this pays out." I said with a slight smile on my face.

" taking care of a living thing is a big responsibility. Dogs need food, exercise, training, belly rubs, and cuddles. And kisses between his little ears." Mom said

There she goes. I think she might actually let us keep him.

"Morning, wife. Morning, boys. And beautiful daughter and Good morning, unfamiliar wet animal." Dad said kissing mom, messing up the twins hair and hugging me and of course looking at the dog in moms arms.

"Who's this?" Dad asked petting the dog

" We're not quite sure, actually. Why so formal, honey?" Mom asked

" Oh, it's just a precaution really. I had a hunch someone might pop over." Dad said.

" Hi, kiddos." Agnes says coming into the house with a dog house.

" With exactly the item we require." I said with a attitude.

" Bella attitude check please." Mom said pointing her finger at me.

"My kitchen window told me someone got a new pooch." Agnes said completely unfazed by my comment

" Did you name him yet?" Agnes asked

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