Good Old Days

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"Ok,my love stop cursing the moon, there is not a particular incident i can narrate but I fell for you over the period of time, it is not the story that ran from spring to autumn and died, it saw the winters, it fought with the winds of loneliness, it slept in your arms even when you were far, when someone said are you dating, on those partnerless nights I kept two pillows on the bed and nodded my head saying yes! I am dating a half writer.... ,"maria expressed.

Near the borders of the heart, we kept searching for shores, I kept listening to her words, the absolute romanticism of unsaid romance has no parallels. How innocently she put forth her story, but my drawings were too messed up, at the one shore there is this girl confessing her love at the other is this man, who in his loneliness married a companion called silence.

Her story was simple, her eyes met a man, slowly small talks and few conversations started making their own space in her heart, she got connected, love built its nest somehow, she managed to keep it a secret from her friends and thus there were no loose ends. Moreover, love is not an incident it is like a healing process that takes time, it is woven around small laughs, shy expressions, unsaid words and some silent conversations.

"Why didn't you confess it then,"i asked.

"Because you were a fool, "Maria uttered.

"Who is the bigger fool now?"i mouthed off.

"Still you, my love, "Maria said smilingly.

"Why so, "I asked.

"There is no bigger fool than a person who lies to himself." Maria said.

How come every sin ends up at the door of a man. Neither I confessed, nor I owned yet I am the one who has to carry the mask of the joker.

"As I developed feelings for you, I kept looking for you more and more there is hardly a place where I let you off from my sight, you see a girl loves with her both eyes, I am possessive I agree, I am a stalker I recognise, I am into you I confess, but you neither loved another girl nor asked for my hand. You never cheated on me, yet you turned me into a moon who could see her love, but my arms always felt short to hold the one I loved, "she added.

All my words had disappeared, during all these years I tried to be a wildflower hidden from the sun, growing in the shade of chinar learning the art of silence. But today in the darkness of night she imprisoned me with the memories of past that sailed on my unfinished tale. I too had a confession to make but my words would have attracted more questions than answers, after all these years she was here with me having midnight arguments like old lovers.

Maria looked into my eyes demanding an answer, she had waited long if loyalty had a face none could had represented better than her. In that broken voice she said, "why did you cursed me with the dragger of love, who gave you the permission to rain the dreams of a young heart and leave it barren for all ages, what was my fault, did you never loved me was i not the one whom you desired to be your companion."

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