The Play of Time

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As the party was going on, i tried to find an honourable exit however it was not there every now and then Mr niel would call me up and introduce me to his family members, the night was long and my patience was being tested to its limits as the party was on its last legs Mr Niel called me inside as said," son, i don't know from where you are from but the experience of my life says you are an honourable  man, you have seen my daughter catherine"

Me, "sir"

Mr Niel,"listen, she is not a spoiled brat, she is my only daughter and heir, unfortunately her mother died young, she wants to become a doctor."

Me, "that is good sir you have taught her well"

Mr Neil, "keep listening, after me she has nobody and i don't have much time i am dying silently"

Me, "excuse me sir..........You mean"

Mr Neil, "i mean what i said, i want you to do something"

Me, "count on me i will do"

Mr Neil," i want you to get close to her, make her your priority "

Me, "sir, why don't you find a fine Man for her"

Mr Niel,"i did and it ended up on you, money is not an issue but most people set it as their priority"

Me," you are right sir with respect to money but you are wrong for two reasons as for the first you should share this with you daughter rather than delaying it till the last movement for two she has a right to choose, i am much older than her i come from a middle class family the difference between our lifestyles is too big it will be not be fair for making her to adjust to someone else's way of life."

Mr Neil," i am short on time Son."

Me, "i respect you sir but how can turn so blind to someone's life."

As i submitted my opinion i left the room, outside i saw catherine with tears in her eyes well she had heard it all she looked at me with those teary eyes to which i had no answer,life can turn upside down in a matter of seconds.

Catherine, "what is wrong with my fathers proposal"

Me, "little one, do you understand the implications."

Catherine, "i do mister what is wrong with me"

Me, "you are not thinking straight"

Catherine," you are not in my shoes"

Me, "i know but you are asking for a suicide i don't want to be a party "

Catherine, "and what about a dying mans wish."

For once in my life i left my shyness and held her shoulders trying to reason with her but she was not agreeing to my well defined and factual facts.

Catherine, "see ! i know what you are thinking but kindly reconsider"

Me, "i have an unfinished past, don't come to my shores."

Catherine, "i don't know what unfinished past means but i had an affair with an idiot, was unworthy, foolish me thought it was love but men are dogs."

Me, "so why to have a dog in life."

Catherine, "you ain't a dog you are a half lover"

Me, "how can you say that" 

Catherine, "only a fool or a lover will try to avoid this favourable position"

Me," then count me as a fool and let me go."

Catherine," you are my fathers approved man i wish i could let you go"

Me, "do you intent to keep me as a prisoner."

Catherine, "even if i have to frame rape charges against you i will."

Me, "are you in your senses"

Catherine, "you still asking"

Me, "you cant get a man by threatening"

Catherine, "i tried the polite way"

In the meanwhile Mr. Neil came out of the room and held my hand making a statement that i am his future son-in law and i will take over the business after him. I was shell shocked i knew she was bluffing a little girl trying her best to fulfil her fathers wish or hope i don't even know but Mr Neil went too far. There is hardly a thing that you can do once a woman sets her mind on something, she was in a pain she has no other relation she was in belief that her fathers decision was  for her  good but i wasn't wrong either even if i had no story from the past i still would had said no, of all the goodbyes it will go down as the worst one i had no clue i was sure i was right so i moved on leaving behind a tearful eyes and a wish of a dying man without uttering a word.

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