Feelings Never Sleep

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That letter never found its true address,it remained in my closet like a new flower in an old book. There are no reason expect i wanted her to be my women so i started concentrating on career but inexperience don't earn you a job she was studying,i was on verge of finishing college and my grades were not that promising that could earn me a white collar job.

Long story short i was so much in love with her that i had already planned growing old with her, and for that i was ready to sacrifice my youthful years.Life is a perfect comedy and an imperfect tragedy.I left that part of the world where she lived and my greatest fatuity was i didn't confessed my feeling to her,she would had understood back then she was more mature than me.

After all these years it was her who confessed first,she kept her end of the promise without even knowing,how would the story reveal.Love  in its nothingness is but a truest reflection of one's hope.

After finishing my college I decided to move towards the urban life,where there were chances of earning few fast bucks but life is more tricker than a naked knife.I found a job at a company,I was not the smartest but soon everyone around realised I had just one quality that was good enough to keep me in the squad and that was my honesty.

Nearly six months later at the eve of Christmas party,the chairman of the company invited all the employees for a dinner party, initially I decided not to go but fate has still yet not rolled it's dice and once it did I was on the way to the party where the winters of my life were going to meet their final spring.

Why, looking back I still can't reply with a truthful answer,that night the my planned path was gonna meet the decided path.our chairman was a nice fellow the party was fine, perfect for somebody like me everything was well balanced,I walked right upto him and thanked for the invitation,he had a smile on his face and said,“son! You are like a family to me, you may not be the smartest of the employees but you surely are more like me than the rest.”
I kept listening to him like an obedient son and he kept me by his side as he met his family and friends.
At the end of the conversation he asked for his daughter  cathrine, she was too polished,a perfect young lady,out of my league, she was wearing a dark valvet dress, but i had eyes for only one woman Maria,so I silently turned my head and stepped back however my arm was grasped by the Mr Niel our chairman.

Mr Neil,“cathrine look here is the man I was talking about.”

Catherine,“Dad! He doesn't look like you.”

Mr Niel,“physically not ,but his human attributes are just like mine,they can be owned but not purchased.”

Catherine,“ok dad! I will remember that.”

Mr Niel,“make Sure you find a man like him.”

Catherine,“i want to be owned,I don't want to be an owner.”

There were smiles all around except me who was blushing.I had been the most talked about person in the party. I was the center of attention and attraction,I possessed nothing yet my value was more than what i could had bargained for. The moon was romancing with my youthful looks and I was dancing to the tunes of life.

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