Love never has two meanings

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When everything was turning into a bizarre comedy, when i thought my words have no meaning,  Catherine woke up and the policeman looked at her asking am i the culprit.

Catherine(as she looked towards me, there was visible anger in her eyes, she took a shot slapped me hard and then hugged me),"why you left me, i did not deserved this"

As the scene was going on the policeman left murmuring definitely his wife, the other parties too began to free the space, the tears were rolling from her eyes, this infact was the only time i forgot i was in love with another woman, at that movement she mattered more to me than my own life, her broken voice was breaking every fibre of my heart, i held her in my arm and gently kissed her forehead as her tears kept rolling down my shirt my arms started to held her tighter and tighter, as her tears were not stopping her fathers plea came out of the locker of memories making my sense of unknown guilt grow. She passed out in my arms as the nurse came with a wheel chair i pushed it far i picked her up but my legs failed to move, sometimes even the best man do need to fall, i crumbled yet i held her in my lap parted her hair from her face, at times even love fails to define relationship, love as i understood is a responsibility not a privilege, i broke down my tears raised more question rather than providing answers, a doctor came patted on my shoulder and took both of us into the ward. As i sat next to her the last six months played though my eyes i was not doing great during that period my life was swinging down to further down should i be blamed for her tears, no absolutely not my mind said, but the heart questioned could i had stopped her tears and changed her fate well i have no answer, i am just a simple man with little needs don't have much flaws i don't drink nor i smoke neither am i a party animal i am a family man still holding the tag of virginity in case it matters.

Doctor to me, "we have given her medicine it will take a while let her rest"

An elderly man who i recognised to be her relative was talking to her hospital staff , he was annoyed about something soon he was joined by few more guys the looked bunch of crooks accompanied by police official they all stormed into the ward and the elderly man yelled who is the imposter here who calls my niece as his wife.

Inspector (looking towards me),"who are you"

Me, "who permitted you to storm into a ward and endangering the life of patient"

Inspector, "may i know your relationship with the patient"

Me, "you may not and i advice you to tell the elderly man to keep his voice down before i land him in court."

 Elderly man, "you dare to question us"

Me, "had you visited the room along with manners i might had considered otherwise"

 Elderly man, "do you know who i am young man"

Me, "if you don't know know who you are then you are addressing to a wrong person for i don't know you and if you know who you are then stop asking that question from people "

Inspector, "son! listen you might be in pain but they have lodged a complaint claiming that you are an imposter who is trying to con miss Catherine and you ain't any husband of hers"

Policeman(the previous one who knew the story ), "sir, that woman is his wife, for only a wife can dare to slap her man so openly and i have gone though the hospital records it clearly states their relationship as man and wife).

Inspector to Policeman, "how are you so sure"

Policeman, "no conman can truly love a woman"

 Elderly man, "what comedy is going on, she ain't married "

Inspector to Policeman, "how are you so sure"

Inspector to Elderly man, "listen sir, only the girl can verify your statement now, so i will wait for her to be conscious"

Policeman to inspector, "sir, i seek your permission to leave  for i am sure they are a perfect couple "

Even though the statement of policeman was incorrect but that was my only defence, this was drama was getting out of my hand my options were limited, the elderly man was after me, the inspector wanted to know the truth and the only one whose statement mattered was lying unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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