Chapter 3

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The next day

Luffy woke up and got out of bed his body hurt alot but he was really hungry. "Sanji food" he yelled. "I'm working on it" sanji yelled back.

Nami and chopper came in. "Are you ok" nami asked. "Yeah I'm fine " luffy said. Chopper ran some test and said luffy could go eat.

After eating they went to go play hide and seak and nami went to go take a bath without telling the rest of the crew.  Ussop had to seak so luffy thought he would hide in the bathroom. When he arrived he opened it fast and didn't look but he bumped in to someone and he fell over. When he opened his eyes Nami was there blushing and he realized they were kissing. When he looked down he also realized nami only had pants on so her breast were out and he started blushing to.

When he got off of her it was really awkward between them. Nami was so embarrassed that she put on a shirt kissed him on the cheek and left without saying anything. Luffy was stunned by this and just stood there. After a few minutes luffy snapped out of it and went to hide.

After a few games luffy stoped to go speak to Nami.

"Nami" luffy said quietly.

"Huh what's wrong luffy" nami asked.

"About what happened earlier" luffy said shyly.

"O..oh a..about that" nami said blushing.

"Y..yeah i'm sorry i accidentally kisses you but why did you kiss me when you left" luffy asked.

"Luffy do know what is" nami asked shyly while blushing.

"Well yeah ace and sabo told me about it" luffy said.


"Hey luffy do you know what love is" sabo asked.

"Of course he doesn't he is an idiot" ace said.

"What's love" luffy asked.

"You see" ace said

"Wel love is a feeling" sabo said.

"What do you mean a feeling?" luffy said.

"Wel a feeling like you get a wierd feeling in your stomach and feel like you want to kiss her and be with her for the rest of your life" sabo said.

End of Flashback

"So you do know" Nami said.

"Y..yeah" luffy said.

"Ok" namu said and left. "Wait" luffy said but she was already gone.

"I know what love is and i know i love you nami" luffy quietly said to himself.

With nami

"I hope you really do know what love is because i love you so much dat i almost can't hold it back anymore" nami said with her head in her pillow.

To be continued

in love with an idiot [a luffy x nami fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now