A Pittsburgh Penguins Love Story 3

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Sidney was right. The girls were ready to go to the morning skate. Not only were they ready they were prepared. They had everything worked out to a science, to where we'd sit (if someone was in the seats we fake a heart attack or if need be start a fight) to how we'd casually run into the guys by the locker room (beg and plead for the security guards to let us in and then pretend we were just looking for the bathroom). You see my friends try but they are truly terrible with plans. On more than one occasion has 'we deserve free refills at the movies' turned into 'I'm sorry officer I wasn't aware it was your son in the big duck suit'.

I personally was always in charge of wardrobe for such occasions because I am and I quote 'not intense, creative, or just all around cool enough to come up with such brilliancy'. Wow... they got me... So as they were working on there mastermind plan, I was picking out outfits. After finally deciding on what each of us would wear (http://www.polyvore.com/open_practice/set?id=26418267 ) I drifted off to sleep thinking of Sidney and listening to the girls 'epic, most amazing throughly thought out plan in the history of college ever'.

--next morning--

I being who I am was the first one up. I hate feeling rushed so I decided long ago it's start out your day pissed and hurried or wake up at 5. I chose the latter. After getting showered, dressed, hair and makeup done, I had assumed the girls had a late night of scheming and forgot to set an alarm. Therefore it was my responsibility to wake them. Now I could nicely shake them and tell them to get up but then I wouldn't be me.

First to wake was Mel. She's the most likely to fight back so I've got a great idea for her. I started by tying her feet together and then tied them to the bed post. I then screamed "YOURE LATE FOR YOUR DATE!!!!!" This as I expected it to made her jump up and faceplant. Laughing maniacally I moved on to my next victim.

Next was Mols. Since she never did anything to me I decided to take it easy on her. And by easy yes I mean the oldest trick in the book. This is very simple and requires 5 easy steps:

1. Get a bucket

2. Fill it with ice-cold water

3. Find the target

4. Pour it all over him/her

5. Run like hell

Now I had to wake up Mils. Taking a page from Sidney's book I decided to go with the alarm clocks. I found every clock in our apartment, set them for 5 minute intervals, placed them all around the room, then locked her door.

Pleased with myself for being such a great person and waking them up I went to eat breakfast. I made myself some whole grain waffles with grape jelly. I then went in the living room to watch Sports Center. They of course were talking about Sidney. The kids everywhere! At that moment I got a text from an unknown number.

?: The password for the locker rooms is 'Sidneys cup'.

Mal: Why do I get the feeling this is Superstar?

?: Howd u no?!

Mal: Who else would pick that as the password?

Max: I resent that. Flower could have easily come up with that.

Mal: Oh, well I am truly sorry next time I get a txt from an unknown number talking about an interestingly placed piece of hockey equipment I'll assume it was from an adorable innocent french canadian.

Max: So what your saying is your jealous of Sids cup?

Mal: Don't u have practice?!?!

Max: Ya but dont worry we'll have plenty of time to talk about Sidney's weewee later.

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