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I sit at my desk, happily thinking about how I broke the news to Evy that I hadn't bothered to read her silly little friendship application. What a fucking loser. I can feel the grin creeping up on my face under my mask as I remember the utter disappointment in her face.

Mr. Weid tells us about the group work we'd have to do today. Instead of grouping up with Adde, Evy, and Katie, I betray them to join Christopher and Charlie. What a lovely trio.

My bliss was soon over, as Evy and her goons forced their way into my group. How inconvenient.

We continued doing the group work as Evy fooled around like an idiot. Then, I hear Evy quietly chuckling. What could she find so amusing?

I look back at the table and notice my beaker is missing! It had to be Evy!

I screech in horror. I take Charlie's beaker of acid and pour it on Evy. Her skin begins to welt. I then snatch my beaker back. I am reunited with my beloved beaker.

I seem to have much to do today. My hands tire. I take off my shoes and reveal my mokey toes. I reach up to the table and grab the beaker. I pour the substance within into the testing tube. I hope Weid notices my mokey toes. I wonder if he is seduced yet.

I turn towards his direction and twiddle my toes, hoping he'll notice from across the room. Alas, my efforts were yet again in vain.

I am sad again. However, Christopher cheers me up. He drops it like it's lukewarm.

"Chris got a dumpy," Evy says with a stupid smirk on her face. I waddle over and T-pose to assert my dominance.

Chris seems to notice this, as he then spills acid on me. I have no choice but to strip naked. The whole class shrieked in terror-unlike Chris, I do not have a dumpy. My ass ripples in the light breeze that flows through the classroom windows. I return to the group work in my nudity.

Eventually, I notice just how short Katie is. I height-shame her, and tell her how she could never model due to her height. Ha. Dwarf. Evy then jumps in and makes a point that children model. I have been cornered. I run out of class in my embarrassment, my cheeks flapping in the wind.

How could I have been proved wrong by my worst enemy?

I run back into class in my rage and grab Evy with my mokey toes. I chuck her across the room. I will NOT be humiliated in front of my lovers.

Hoping this has impressed Christopher, I get down on one knee and propose. I am rejected. "Shut the fuck up, Jimotheé," says Chris, with a twinge of disgust in his voice.

Evy, upon seeing this, mocks me. I start shitting myself again. And pissing. And crying. The floor is now caked in a mixture of shit, piss, and tears.

Will my misery ever end?

The Diary of Jimotheé GujjieWhere stories live. Discover now