3: Just a Boy Band

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As they left me, I opened up my laptop and connected to the Internet. I went onto my email to find one from my penpal. I immediately replied;

To: birdie@headsandtails.com

From: Bubz@headsandtails.com

Message: that's awesome! Someone's lucky :) sorry that I haven't been replying, it's just I told you about my parents, and well, their time ran out. But anyway, now I live somewhere else... With five guys... Don't think anything weird :) my godfather passed me to them... But anyway, I'm glad you are happy at least. :) Write soon :) from Bubblegum ;)

I sent it and closed my laptop . I lay back on the bed and sighed. This was the first time I could think without being disturbed.

In one month, I lost both of my parents to cancer and changed into a heavy tomboy on the outside and have been passed to my godfather who was really happy. Well, until his work got involved and I was left with five, early twenties guys. So guys my age nearly. I didn't have to worry about them thinking I was rude or anything, because I think they're just as crazy anyway... So Operation Be Yourself is a go! I could finally be immature and catch up with being a kid, something I had to push down for the last three years... From now on, it'll just be songwriting, music, busking and maybe sketching. Whoop!

"Can I come in?" I heard a soft Irish voice after a knock. I sat up and put my laptop on the floor before shouting yes. A blonde head peeked in. "Everything alright?" He asked in that accent that I was sure made girls go mad. Huh, I wonder why...

I nodded and he sat on my bed. "Are you sure? You seemed a bit different when Simon was here then went." He said. So he realised...

"It's just that you guys aren't like 30 or something so I can finally be a kid. It's just new, y'know?" I said as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Not exactly, but don't worry about being crazy or childish. We're quite used to it..." He smiled. "Trust me, our immaturity can get infectious..." He said after a bit if thought. I laughed and another head popped in.

"Heyo!" Windswept guy smiled.

"Hi." I said weirdly and he smiled. He stood in the door and watched us.

"So have you asked her yet Niall?" He asked the Irish dude sitting on my bed.

"Nope." Blondie popped the p and I smiled as the other guy nodded to me. "Want to come down for lunch?" He asked me. I nodded and put my hair up roughly with a pencil I found on the table.

"What are we having?" I asked as we closed my door and Niall smiled.

"Nando's!" He shouted as I smelled the food too. The other guy smiled as Niall ran down.

"By the way, that's Niall, the food lover. I'm Louis." He put his hand out and I shook it.

"Let me guess, the prankster?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"I like this girl." He shouted as we stepped into the kitchen. The boys looked at us like we were some kind of lunatics and I smiled. "She said I was a prankster." He explained and the guy with the curls rolled his eyes with a smile. I flicked up the front of my SnapBack and they smiled as I sat on a stool.

"Genius in the house." I put my arms out, totally serious. They smiled and gave me a plate. Why? I have no idea. "Thanks." I accepted the food. I just didn't know why they didn't leave it in the packaging...

"So if we're going to live together, we need to know some stuff about you..." One of the guys asked with a laugh. I ate the last bit if the food and they shook their heads at me as me and Niall were the only ones who actually ate it in that time. We slapped each other's hands and laughed.

"Fire away." I said as I leaned back.

"How do you sleep?" The guy with the curly hair asked. "That sounded wrong..." He mumbled and I laughed.

"Uh, like normal people. You guys excluded from what I heard from Simon." I smiled and they pressed their mouth into a thin line, but it looked like they would start laughing any second. "Pjs." I clarified and they nodded, finally laughing. The hell?... "Why?" I asked them and they got to chuckling.

"Curly here sleeps-" Louis started but it clicked before he could finished and I cut him off.

"Hell no man! I'm getting you pyjamas!" I pointed a finger at him and they laughed again. "Today!" I added and they shook their heads at me as my phone vibrated. They nodded with loud chuckles as I picked up. "Whoever you are, please wait a second, I have pervs to attend to." I said as I put the phone to my shoulder and looked at the still chuckling guys. "Guys." I rolled my eyes with a smile and they smiled back. I got off the stool and went out, taking the call.

"Okay, can I talk now sunshine?" I heard a low voice. "So how are you?" I now realised who it was.

"Jesus, Aaron, heart attack." I said and heard someone exclaim ow! like Michael Jackson in the dining room. I laughed as he continued to talk.

"Seriously, I haven't heard from my busking buddy in a while." He said and I could hear the tell tale signs of traffic in the background. He was probably out today as well.

"Not right now Aaron. The whole messed up life..." I said slowly, drifting off.

"I know, you need time. I'm just checking up if those weirdos are taking good care of you. Who are they again?" He asked.

"Kind of like, you know... A boy band. Like One Direction or something?" I pretended like it was no big deal, and to me and my friends, it wasn't. Because they were just a boy band. Then.

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