6:One year

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Robyn's POV

It had been a year since I moved to New York. I can't believe it's that long. That means it's a day or so till I celebrate my one year friendship with Luke. How I wish he realised I wanted to be more than friends. No not mega best friends. Boyfriend and girlfriend. But he's to blinded by his "faker than Barbie" girlfriend. I mean who wants to wear at least 100000000000 tons of makeup everyday. Reapplying every ten seconds, not much point and the biggest heels. None of this is needed. I don't even know how she got her job at the cafè, probably the old press your breasts together and pout at the manager trick. If I was running the cafè she would have been kicked out first day.

Oh well rant over. Time to check my emails. I hadn't had an email from bubz in a bit. But I must admit we have both been busy.

To: bubz@headsandtails.com

From: birdie@headsandtails.com

Subject: URGHHHH!!

Helloooooo from the big apple!! Lucky you with your ticket for the Brits. If you see lawson get their autographs especially the blonde boy!! Remember fit guys are saved for moi. Well at least until Luke actually realises I'm right infront if him!! Sorry stress. But anyway guess what!!! ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY IN NEW YORK YAY!! We should totally see each other and you can help me celebrate. But so excited the 1D concert is in like I don't Ben know how long I'm that distracted with life!! Anyways tweet ya soon bye!!!!

That should be about enough to send to bubz. I wish I knew her name. I wonder what she looks like. I want to meet the guys she lives with. Maybe one could make me forget about luke. I quickly put on a denimn dress since it was reasonably sunny and warm as always. The usual knock on the door at 9am from Luke happened. I opened the door to find a very handsome like in jeans and a shirt.

I wanted to kiss him there and then but that's all fantasy at the moment.

"Morning early bird" he says winking at me. Never realised why he did that.

"Morning lukey Wookey" I teased tugging at his cheeks lightly. He pushed me off and grinned.

"Ready to fly to work?" He meant the cafè not busking. Busking was weekends only.

"Ready as ever fighter pilot" I saluted grabbing my phone and bag and locking my door behind me.


"You look nice today" Luke said as we walked down the small lane down the park to get to the cafè.

"Thanks you're not looking to bad yourself" I replied only just skipping blushing. In front of us stood. Luke's girlfriend candice AKA faker than Barbie. That's the code name at work anyway. How will I survive a whole day again with the two of them flirting? I don't even know what he sees in her. He dosent look happy with her, only when I'm around does he act all lovey dovey.

As the two walked holding hands I practically ran ahead to the cafe and put on my small apron and got my notebook.

"Morning whizz" my co-worker Charlie said.

"Morning Chalkie" this was her nickname since she was really good at advertising anything on our chalkboard outside. She giggles and got straight to tending a couple. The "faker than Barbie and ken" couple walked in. I quickly wrote down the new nickname.

"Hey why'd you run off Robyn?" Luke asked.

"Because I knew I had to get here earlier since I'm always a favourite and need the few extra bucks" I replied bluntly.

"What do you need the money for?" Candice asked reapplying her mascara which already made her look like a panda.

"Nothing that you should be concerned about. Panda eyes" I muttered the last bit and I knew luke heard but I quickly ran to help out the newest customers before anything else was said.

But what shall I get luke for our year of friendship. Needs to be something big...


Sup peeps!! It's birdie.

Yeah I know shock horror!! But hey I try my best my week is already busy enough as it is. I was just going to murder my stomach for killing my insides but I thought. Hey might as well update. So I did. Be proud!!




And read John green!!

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