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Name: Y/n Gojo

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Human/ Mysterious Being or Cosmic Entity

Likes: Food, training, strong enemies and even Yanderes... 

Dislikes: Wimps, Woke feminist, and boring persons... 



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Powers and Abilities: 

Six Eyes: The Six Eyes provides the user with vast perception and immense brain processing power, allowing them to precisely manipulate the sophisticated powers of the Limitless down to an atomic level. Each of the Limitless techniques requires this type of complex manipulation, making the pairing of the Six Eyes crucial to utilizing the Limitless' cursed techniques  to their maximum potential...

The Six Eyes processes the user's cursed energy incredibly efficiently. So much so that the amount of cursed energy lost when the user activates a cursed technique is infinitesimally close to zero. Due to this, a proper Six Eyes user will never run out of cursed energy...

The mental prowess of the Six Eyes can turn one moment in reality into well over a minute's worth of time within the user's brain. This works well in tandem with the users enhanced sight, allowing them to analyze and calculate the positions of everything within view instantly. A sorcerer who possesses the Six Eyes can see things for several kilometers away, easily able to distinctly tell apart different figures within their vast range.

Limitless: Is an inherited  passed down within the Gojo Family . This technique brings the concept of "Infinity" into reality, allowing the user to manipulate and distort space at will.

While any member of the Gojo Family can hereditarily gain this technique, only those who also possess the Six Eyes  as well can truly master the power of the Limitless.

Infinity: Is the base state of the Limitless and is essentially the power to stop. The Limitless technique operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics. The Infinity is the convergence of an immeasurable series, anything that approaches the infinity slows down and never reaches the user. This is because the technique takes the finite amount of space between the two subjects and divides it an infinite amount of times...


Blue (蒼あおAo) is the Cursed Technique Lapse of the Limitless, which increases the curse energy  output of the technique and generates the power to attract. This is achieved by amplifying the Limitless and bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality. This forces the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the source of the aforementioned impossibility, creating the magnetic-like effect.

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