Chapter One: First Day

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It's your first day at your new school Hawkins High. You don't even know why your mom is making you go when there's only two days until spring break, but she says you need to make some friends so you're not in the house all break. You know you won't be able to make any friends in two days. You're not going to tell your mother that though. You've never fit in. You don't wear the same clothes as everyone else, you can't stand the music everyone else listens to, and for the love of god you cannot stand sporting events. You never understood why everyone made such a big deal about them.

You're standing in front of your mirror looking at the outfit you have on. It's something that you know will turn peoples heads and think "wow what a freak". That's exactly what you want though. You don't want people to try and be all friendly because you're new. Especially the popular kids.

You huff at yourself as you turn away looking at all of your unpacked boxes. You could be helping your mom around the house but noooo. "You need to make friends before spring break,:" you hear your moms voice in you're head. God what a stupid idea. Your mom knows it's been hard on you moving so much. At least she's trying.

Walking on the sidewalk towards the school you hear a car driving past. Whoever it is is driving like a maniac. The van as you now see whips into the schools parking lot.

"Dear god!" You think to yourself.

As you reach the door to the administrative office you can feels eyes staring at you. Just as you'd hoped. You open up the door and walk in being greeted by a woman whos hair is at least 2 feet tall, and smells strongly of hair spray.

"Good morning dear, How can I help you?" The lady asks you. Eying you up and down.

"Hi my name is Y/N L/N I'm here to pick up my schedule, it's my first day, You respond.

"Ah yes of coarse, here you go. She says handed over a yellow piece of paper.


You make your way to the first class on the paper. You've always loved English. So you hope it goes well. You walk in hoping the teacher doesn't make you introduce yourself. She doesn't she barely even acknowledges you. You sit in the left back corner, next to a girl with short wavy brown hair. She doesn't look like one to spark up a conversation with someone random.

The girl looks over at you. "Hi I'm Robin."

Shit I was wrong. You stare at her for far to long before she pipes up again.

"Are you new here, sorry it's just I haven't ever seen you around." She says in a cheerful tone.

" Yeah I am new here today is my first day, Sorry my names Y/N." you reply trying yo make the conversation short.

"Well it's nice to meet you," She reply's, turning back towards the front of the classroom.

After your short conversation the class breezes by. The bell rings and you're looking down at the piece of paper. Trying to figure out where you go next. It's math, your least favorite subject. You get up and start walking towards the classroom. Keeping a close eye on the numbers along the walls. Your next three classes go by without much conversation except for the normal 'Hi what's your name?" "Are you new here?" Most of the teachers didn't make you stand up and introduce yourself either. The clothes you picked I kind of worked. You guess.


You shut your locker after putting away your new books, and grab your lunch. As your walking to the lunchroom you hear someone yelling about some sort of campaign. You ignore it and keep walking. As reach the lunchroom you stop in the middle of door way and look around.

"Excuse me malady," you hear a deep scruffy voice say behind you. You turn around.

Eddie "The Freak" MunsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang