Chapter 7: Without Eddie

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"Hey Y/N we're at your house," Eddie says shaking you lightly.

You must have fallen asleep on the car ride home. Your shoulders droop in disappointment.

"What are you doing tomorrow Eddie?" You ask him.

"Tomorrow I have practice with my band," He replies.

Once again you feel disappointed.

Eddie must have noticed. "You could come and watch if you want."

"No I think I'll just spend some time at home, thanks though Eddie," You say back.

"Really I don't mind. I'd enjoy it," He replies.

" I know I would too, but I really think we should spend sometime with some other people," You say to Eddie.

Now it's him that looks disappointed.

"Eddie, I don't mean it like that. I just mean hanging with some friends." You say. "Well in my case make some friends," You laugh a little.

"Oh okay yeah that would be a good idea," Eddie says smiling now.

You see your mom peek out of the curtain.

"Eddie I should get inside," You turn to look at him.

"Okay princess," He says.

Eddie leans in to give you a kiss. You gladly close the distance. It's not an intense kiss but a slow and passionate one. One that gives you butterflies in your stomach. One that makes you feel your entire face turn red. A kiss that makes you want to jump around your room. After the kiss is over you grab for the door handle.

"Wait Y/N, I need your number so I can call you after practice, I don't think I can go all day without talking to you," Eddie says grabbing your arm gently.

You blush," Do you have a piece of paper?" You ask him.

He starts digging around in his van. He finds a sharpie but no paper.

"Here just write it on my arm," He says handing you the sharpie.

You look for a spot to write it, deciding to do it on his forearm.

"Thanks sweetheart," He says giving you another kiss this time nibbling at your lip, just the tiniest bit.


When you wake up in the morning it's late. You decide to go downstairs and see what your mom is up to. She has today off. However when you get downstairs you can't find her. That's when you find a note on the counter.

"I've gone grocery shopping,

sorry I didn't tell you.

You we're out late and wanted to

let you to get some sleep."

Love, Mom

Now you don't know what to do. You were planning on watching a movie with your mom. You sit at the table eating an apple. You remember yesterday on your walk seeing Steve. You could always go and see if he is home. Since he's one of the only other teenagers you've talked to since moving. That's what you decide to do. You go upstairs to shower and get dressed.

You walk out your door making sure to lock it. You head towards what you described as the rich rich section of town. You can tell your getting close because the houses keep getting bigger and bigger. It's easy to find Steve's house it's one f the biggest ones there. Plus you remember seeing him standing in front of it. You wish he was standing outside today, you really didn't want to knock on the door. You don't want to talk to his parents. You swallow your fear and knock at the door. You hear someone running down the steps.

Eddie "The Freak" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now