Chapter Two: The Cafeteria

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"Excuse me malady," you hear a deep scruffy voice say behind you. You turn around. There was a tall dark haired man, and you say man because he looks at least two years older than normal high school boys, his hair is long and styled in a mullet. His eyes were an almost honey brown color. He's wearing a black sabbath tee shirt and white washed jeans. The jeans have chains hanging from the loops.

"I'm sorry I'm just standing in your way aren't I?" You ask stepping aside.

"Don't be sorry dear," he says flashing you a big toothy smile, " names Eddie, Eddie Munson," bowing as he says so.

He is very strange. You think to yourself.

" Well hello my names Y/N," You reply to him.

You hear a short pudgy boy up ahead say, " Come on Eddie,"

"One moment," Eddie replies back half yelling across the cafeteria.

He looks back down at you, " Are you looking for somewhere to sit?"

You look back down at the clothes he's wearing. Realizing it's pretty similar to yours. Maybe you will find friends in your first two days here at Hawkins.

"Um, Yeah, if you don't mind actually," you say back to him awkwardly.

"Well then follow me," he replies as he's walking away.

You follow him with your brown bag, as Eddie practically skips to the table where the pudgy kid and a couple of others were sitting. He pulls out a chair for you as you sit.

"My friends this is Y/N, she's new here," he gestures to you, " lets make her feel welcome."

You swear you see him wink at the others. The others start introducing themselves. The younger kids were Dustin the pudgy looking one and Mike who didn't really talk to you much. Then there is Gareth, who looked like he was always scowling, and Jeff. After all of the introductions every picks up their conversations they were having before you and Eddie showed up. You keep your head down eating silently. Just listening in on their conversations until you hear Eddie saying your name.

"So do you play DnD at all?" He asks you.

" Oh um not really I've never ever really heard of it,' you reply.

He dramatically grabs at his heart as is if he was having a heart attack. " Oh, how you break my heart, never heard of Dungeons and Dragons!" he yells putting a hand up to his forehead.

" I'm sorry," you giggle a little at his theatrics.

" No worry dear, it's fine," As he pretends to faint almost falling backwards out of his chair.

"Watch it you freak," a boy in a lettermen jacket says.

Eddie hisses at him as the boy walks past.

Dustin chimes in at this time, " Well even if you don't play DnD, you could always come watch one of our campaigns. We have one tomorrow," He says talking super fast.

"Well I don't really have anything else to do so why not? As long as it's okay with everyone else," You accept the invitation looking at Eddie for approval.

"Well, what say ye," as he gestures around the table.

There were multiple yeas and why nots. Hmm maybe this school won't be too bad. You've already made friends. Granted none of them are girl friends but, Hey they're nice people. Your mom would be happy when you tell her.


After lunch all of your other classes go by quickly. You see Robin one more time and a guy named Steve who says he's Robin's friend. You also see Gareth in one of your classes but he doesn't talk to you. He almost seemed shy.

At the end of the day you see Eddie standing by the van that pulled into the school parking lot like an idiot.

Hmm makes sense, you think to yourself. You pass Eddie and he gives you a little wave. You wave back. You make your way to the sidewalk. Putting on your headphones. Listening to one of your favorite songs. Before you know it you're at your door. Even before opening it you hear your mom. It sounds like she's digging around looking for something. You pull open the door and she looks at you.

" Oh good! Do you know where I put the pans?" she asks seeming as though she's out of breath.

You scan the room quickly, " I don't know mom, maybe in the box labeled pans," you say pointing, laughing a little.

She huffs, " So tell me darling how was your first day?"

" Well mom, it was actually pretty nice," you tell her. " I actually met a couple of people they invited me to watch them play some sort of game tomorrow."

"Oh how lovely! Are you happy you went now! See I told you!" She says gleaming.

"Yeah mom I guess so," you say as you walk upstairs.

You change out of your school clothes. Then go help your mom make dinner.


A/N I use pudgy as a way to describe Dustin in a cute baby faced way. In no way am I trying to be mean. I love Dustin!!!!!

Eddie "The Freak" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now