Chapter 4": Eddie Munson

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All that's left in the room is you and Eddie. Which reminds yo. You were going to ask him for a ride home. You would walk home but it's gotten way to late for that. It's almost pitch dark out. You realize as you walk look out the door. Eddie is cleaning up the game and putting it all in a bag.

"Hey Eddie I was wondering if you could drive me home. I would walk but it's really dark outside," You say to him.

He stops what he's doing and looks up at you. " Well of coarse darling, wouldn't want anything to happen to you, just give me a moment to finish," He continues cleaning up and you get your school stuff together.

" Alright princess your chariot awaits," He says getting up from the makeshift table made out of desks.

As you get to the door he holds it open for you.

"Thanks Eddie,' You say as you walk through.

"No problem Darling," He says as he picks up his pace to walk beside you.

"So what did you think of the campaign?" He asks you.

"Well to be honest I really didn't understand much of what was going on, and I think I fell asleep towards the end," You reply.

"Oh you definitely did, you look like an angel while you sleep," He puts his hands up to his head, like he's sleeping. He is now walking sideways looking at you. You playfully push he and he almost falls.

"Hey watch it princess," As he lightly pushes your shoulder.

As you walk outside you realize that there is almost no one there. Eddie guides you towards his van. He again holds open the door for you and you hop inside. He runs in front of the van and pops in the driver side.

'What kinda music do you like?" He asks you as he pulls out a box full cassette tapes. He starts digging around.

"Oh well anything you listen to probably, I really like Iron Maiden and Metallica. You say now looking in the box with him. You go to pick up a tape just as Eddie does. Your hands brush against each other. You instantly drop the cassette and his hand. You can feel your cheeks getting hot. You look up at Eddie and he's looking at you.

" What's the matter princess, your blushing super hard," He says teasingly.

You ignore him. You didn't even think you liked Eddie Munson. You've only know him for two days. How could you possibly like him. It takes you a moment to realize he's even talking to you.

"Y/N hello wake uuup," He says.

"I'm sorry Eddie, I was just think." You say back.

"Oooooh whatcha thinking about, Me?" He asks almost mockingly.

"Maybe a little Eddie. What is it that you wanted?" You ask him. Redirecting back to his initial plan.

"Well I was just wondering what you were doing tomorrow?" He asks you.

"Oh well I really need to unpack some of my stuff. It's all still piled in boxes in my room," you says back as your pulling into your driveway.

He looks at you kind of disappointed. So you continue, " But my mom isn't going to be home and I really wish I had someone to help me." You're really hoping he gets your hint.

"Well Y/N are you asking me to come help you all alone in your house?" He asks flashing you a devilish grin.

"Yes, Yes I am Eddie Munson will you be there at ten in the morning?" You ask back.

"It's a date princess," He says getting out of his van and walking to your door. Pulling it open to let you out.

"I'll see you bright and Early," Eddie says as you're walking away.

"See you tomorrow Eddie," You say before walking in.

You head upstairs and lay on your bed. You can't believe you just invited Eddie to come over tomorrow. Especially when your mom wont be home. Do you Like Eddie? You think to yourself. Is that even possible? Before you know it you fell asleep. Your dreams are filled of Eddie. He almost kisses you in your sleep.. Just as he closes in on your lips you wake up. You look at your alarm clock just before nine. That gives you perfect time to shower before Eddie arrives. Oh my god you realize. Yo just dreamed of Eddie Munson kissing you!


You hop in the shower that is attached to your bedroom. As you're washing your hair you think more about today. What is going to happen between you and Eddie. I mean something is bound to happen. Right? I mean you're going to be alone with Eddie, and you already dreamed about him kissing you. all you can do is think about him. even as you're done with your shower you keep catching yourself looking at the clock waiting for it to be ten. It's 9:45 now. You are constantly thinking you hear Eddie pulling in. God why can't you get him off your mind! You decide to start unpacking. Gathering your boxes labeled tapes. You find your favorite Metallica tape. It's their newest one. You made your mom buy it for you as soon as it came out. The first song battery comes on. You start putting the shelf under your tape player. organizing them by artist and then the year they came out.

Just before the next song starts to play you hear a knock on the door. You start running down the stairs. Slowing to a walk as you reach the door. You open it up to find Eddie standing there looking at the exterior of your house. He's wearing dark blue jeans and a black shirt. Of coarse with his signature leather jacket paired with his denim jacket on top.

"Hey Eddie," You say to him.

"Hello beautiful," He replies causing you to blush.

"Um, come on in I'll give you a tour. Really quick." You say as you usher him inside.

" So this is the steps leading upstairs, and then right threw this archway is the living room." You say guiding him threw your house.

" Then if you step back in the hallway here is the kitchen and then the dining room is in there," You point towards a swinging door.

You walk back towards the steps. " That is my moms office, and then up here is my room. Come on we can get started," You say to him as you walk up the steps.

"Alright Angel," He says following you up.

You reach your room and open the door. Eddie's eyes go wide.

"Wow I just thought you meant a little bit of stuff. This is a lot!' He exclaims.

Eddie "The Freak" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now