Chapter 3: The Campaign

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It's the day before spring break. The day you go to watch Eddie and the others play DnD. To be honest you know nothing about the game. However as much as you hate to admit it your mom is right it would be nice to have friends to do things with over the break. You stretch in your bed. Finally fully waking up. You hop out of bed and throw on whatever clothes you can find. Hopefully you can get some time to put away some of your stuff away.

You walk downstairs and say goodbye to your mom as she's leaving for work.

"Bye sweetheart I love you, have fun at the game," She says walking out the door.

You don't get a chance to say anything back before she's gone. You sit down at the table after grabbing a bowl of cereal. You eat in a rush so you can make it to school on time. After rinsing out your dirty bowl you head out.

As you're nearing the school you see Eddie's van, this time driving a little more careful. You see why as you pass it in the parking lot.

"Hey Y/N!" Dustin shouts as he's getting out, waving you over.

"Hey Dustin what's up?" You ask walking over.

"You're still coming to the campaign tonight right?" He questions.

"Yeah of coarse, as long as I'm sill invited," You say

" Now princess why would we uninvite you," You hear Eddie say from the driver seat.

"Just making sure, I don't want to impose," You reply.

"Not at all Love," He says back to you.

You ignore his little nicknames and walk into the school with Dustin and Mike, Eddie trailing behind.

"So what exactly is DnD?" You ask the younger boys.

"Well, It's a fantasy game about going on great quests and creating awesome characters," You hear Mike say. Which surprises you because he didn't talk to you much yesterday.

"Oh I see so it's like roleplaying," You reply

"Exactly," Dustin says as the bell rings.

You start walking away and turn around," See ya tonight boys," You yell at them.

Eddie waves you bye as the other boys head to their classes.


In English class you sit next to Robin again. This time actually hoping for a conversation. Which is weird. Maybe this small town is growing on you.

"Hey Y/N are you coming to the game tonight?" Robin asks you as the teacher is talking.

You turn to look at her, "What game?" You ask back.

"There's a big basketball game going on tonight. It will decide if we make it to the championships," She replies back.

"Oh no I don't really do sporting events. Besides Dustin invited me to watch their DnD campaign," You say back.

"Oh Dustin! I love Dustin!" She says happily.

"Do you know him?" You ask.

"Know him, the kid is practically Steve's son. He hung around me and Steve all last summer," She says laughing.

"Miss Buckley please don't distract our new student," Your English teacher says.

After that you both sit listening in on her lesson.


As you make your way to Eddie's table you see he's standing on it, he's also holding up some magazine. You hear him yelling.

Eddie "The Freak" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now