Chapter 6: Date Night

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After your mom walks to her room you can't help but to think about today. It couldn't have been anymore perfect. Although you didn't even realize that you liked Eddie. Not until your dream last night. You just feel like everything is going so fast. I mean before Eddie even kissed you, you've only ever kissed one boy, and your still a virgin. You also plan on keeping it that way for a little bit longer too. No more rushing. You want to take things slow with Eddie. You keep thinking and you catch yourself drifting off to sleep. Once again dreaming of Eddie, but in this dream you don't kiss and nothing exciting happens you're just on your date. Eddie takes you out to the woods for a picnic. There's already a picnic blanket there waiting for you. Eddie was caring the picnic basket. You both sit down on the blanket. He's unpacking the basket, and to your horror instead of food he's taking out body parts. There's a very broken arm, a leg that's broken in 3 different spots and a pair of eye balls that look like they've been pulled out from the inside.

You wake up screaming. You're all alone you realize your mom must have already left for work. What a weird dream. You definitely hope Eddie doesn't take you on a picnic. To pass time you start reorganizing your closet. You pull out your summer clothes, since spring will be over soon. You organize them by what you wear the most making sure they're in the front. Next you go downstairs and turn on the T.V. You watch some cartoons and then the news. Nothing exciting going on. You're starting to get very impatient. Completely forgetting about your dream you are excited for your date again. but it's only five thirty. You still have two hours. So you decide to go for a little walk. You decide not to go very far. For one you don't know Hawkins that well yet and for two you don't want to lose track of time. You really need to buy a watch. You're walk is a very short one you just go two blocks and end up in a very rich looking section of town. Now you have money but you definitely have money but not this much. These houses are huge, like at least 5 bedrooms, and in front of them there is the newest of new cars. Some haven't even officially came out yet. You think you see someone from school. You think his name was Steve. He waves at you and you politely wave back before deciding you should head back.

Once you get back home and look at the clock you realize you realty need to get dressed. So you run upstairs to your closet. While looking though it you hear a car approach. Oh no it can't be that time already! You peak through your window and its only your mom returning from work. Thank God. You haven't even found what you want to wear. After deciding on a red plaid skirt and a black t shirt with one of your favorite bands on it you head downstairs. To wait and it seems like a long time. Finally your mom comes up to you.

" Y/N I thought you were going out with a friend tonight?" She asks you

"Yeah I did too," You glance at the clock 7:40.

"Well maybe they're just a little late I'm sure they'll be here soon," She says.

"I hope so mom I was really looking forward to this," You reply back.

You wait another ten minutes and Eddie still isn't here. You start heading back upstairs to lay down. When you see headlights through the window on the steps. You stop yourself from running to the door. You hear the car door slam shut followed by footsteps and finally a knock on the door.

"That's them Mom I love you bye!" You shout.

You walk out before hearing her response.

"Munson You're very late," You say grumpily.

He looks down at his watch.

"Shit I'm sorry, I...I had some business to take care of," he says still looking at his watch.

"What kind of business Eddie?" You ask still grouchy.

" I'd much rather not say at least not yet," He says back.

Eddie "The Freak" MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now