Important Update

29 1 0

Hi Reader,

  It's been about two years since I have last updated and honestly I still have a lot of ideas for this book. However, I really don't know which direction to go in with the book or if I even should continue it. I started on it in a really dark time in my life, but things have gotten better. If I do continue to write, I will need to find a consistent schedule, because I am horrible when it comes to managing time. Honestly, I think this book has the potential to be great with a few tweaks, fixes, and critiques. I'd be so proud to complete this book, because it's something that I hold nearest and dearest to my heart.

Another thing I would like to address is the serious topics that the book addresses/will address in the future. The topics are not easy topics for any author to tackle. You have to be very careful what you say, because you don't want to trigger anybody or piss anybody off. If I do continue to write the book, I will be definitely proceeding with caution and handle all topics with care.

I do plan to hopefully write more books in the future. I just have so many ideas and I love writing.

If you have any ideas on what direction you want to see the book go or critiques, please comment down below or inbox me (name any issues you want to see tackled, any things you want to see happen, anything that I need to improve on,etc) I promise you this is a safe space and I want to write a better book and become a better author. All comments are welcomed.

Your feedback will determine whether or not I will continue the book or not. I have possibly considered deleting it, because I can't stand when I have unfinished work or projects.

Thank you to all the readers who have voted, commented, and added my book to their reading list. All of you are appreciated and it's nice to see my work being noticed. ❤️

I have also considered making a Imagine Book with R&B artist. Comment any artist you would like to see in the book.

Thank you ❤️


        Tia Tiliyah

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