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Excuse the typos. Thanks. ❤️~ TIliyah

Jackson, Mississippi

Months Later (Flashback)


I curled into a ball as I felt a sharp pain pierce through my side. "Fuck." I huffed. I started to panic a little, because I was nervous something was going on with the baby. I really needed to tell someone something, but I couldn't bring myself to it.

"Canary!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I heard frantic movement coming up the stairs. The pain was so bad. I was rocking back and forth like a baby. Michelle, Chris, and Canary entered into the room. "What's wrong Ze?" Canary asked as she rushed to my side. I rubbed my belly a little, but not enough for her to notice anything.

I was in so much pain that I could barely talk. I started panting and breathing heavily. "Zeoria take the hoodie off." Chris said.

"I can't." I said as I bit my lip as I tried to suppress my pain.

"No Zeoria, he's right this time. Take that hoodie off." Michelle said.

Even though I didn't want to, I did as she said. I took my hoodie off and my growing belly showed. It was clear as day and they all seen it. A tense silence fell over the room. I could almost feel them judging me.

Canary put her hands on my belly and rubbed it. She was shocked. Chris stood there with his eyes piercing me. Every time we made eye contact, I'd hurriedly look away.

"Please don't tell anybody." I said breaking the silence.

The pain was still slicing through me. I screamed in pain again. "Chris grab Zeoria and take her to the car. I think we need to get her to the hospital." Michelle said. She grabbed her keys and purse and walked out behind us.

Canary looked at me with sadden eyes. I looked away though. I just couldn't look at her. I just could feel all the pity she was throwing on me. I didn't want nobody to feel sorry for me.

As Chris carried me to the car, another streak of pain sliced through my side like a blade and I yelped. This time I cried. "Please let my baby be okay." I said as I began to whimper. "Zeoria stop worrying. You'll be fine."

I wanted to believe that what he said was true, but I couldn't. In the back of my mind, I just knew things would not be fine. By now, I had hid my pregnancy for 6 months. No body noticed or knew anything. I took care of myself pretty good.

But I felt selfish. I already felt like I wasn't a good mother. I felt judged. I felt like too many people felt sorry for me. I just wanted to forget what he did to me, but I kept being reminded. Why couldn't things just go back to normal? I was so tired of this new life I was living.

I laid my head on Chris' shoulder as we rode in silence in the car. Michelle kept glancing at me through her mirror. I know her and Canary must had a million of questions. They just didn't know how to ask. I just wanted to get to the hospital already.

I prayed that Michelle would not tell.


"Do you want a warm blanket sweetie?" The nurse asked after putting my IV in. I just nodded. Canary sat on the bed with me and Michele and Chris sat in chairs on either side of the bed.

"Zeoria why didn't you tell us?" Canary asked. She looked genuinely concerned.

"Because I'm tired of being judged. I just wanted to take care of this by myself."

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