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This is going to be a short first chapter. I just wanted to give y'all a little piece of what I will be writing. Writing is a passion of mines and I live through the characters I make. I hope you guys enjoy this book. Keep in mind the book will be more detailed as I continue on. Excuse any mistakes.

Jackson, Mississippi


"Ze Ze.....Hold up!!!" My cousin Kaleeyah yelled after me.

I slowed down as I allowed her to catch up to me. I was in a pissy mood due to something my dance instructor told me. I didn't take criticism too kindly. I could feel tears ready to fall from my eyes.

"What?" I said as I turned around to look at her.

"Dang girl you ain't gotta act like that." Kaleeyah said giving me a hard eye roll.

"Did you not hear what Mrs. Wilson said? She said I dance stiff and that's a damn lie. That woman always has something negative to say about me. I dance so passionately. That's a punch in the face for her to tell me this." I said yelling. People in the parking lot started to look in our direction

"Zeoria.... you gotta stop letting shit get to you. That's why you don't ever stay at dance companies long. You know what you're capable of. You don't need no one else approval. If you can't handle her criticism, go ahead and branch out. Go do your own thing."

I had thought about this multiple times, but I didn't have the money to do my own things right now. I was still saving up. For now I had to deal with it.

"What did you need?" I said changing the subject.

"Can you drop me off at home? My mom can't come -."

"Get in." I said cutting her off. She would tend to get a little talkative and I already wasn't in the mood.

I could hear Kaleeyah mumbling something, but I didn't respond. I know I had a fucked up attitude, but what other way to keep people out?

"What are you gonna do when you get home?" Kaleeyah asked strolling through her messages.

"Ion know. Probably just work on my dancing, so I won't look "stiff"." I said quoting what Mrs. Wilson said.

She nodded her head understanding that I wanted to drop the conversation. My attitude had once again changed. I dropped her off by her mailbox and took off towards my apartment.

When I arrived at my apartment, I noticed that Kaleeyah had dropped a piece of paper in my car. "Don't forgot to text me beautiful. I loved you from the day I first saw you. See you soon."

I rolled my eyes. Fuck love. Love don't get you nowhere. I'd rather be by myself. Always been like that and always will be. I grabbed the note, my phone, and my book bag out of my car. "I really need to wash this car. Damn." I said to myself. I made a mental note to ask Kaleeyah about the paper tomorrow.

"Hey Ze." Mr. Mike said as I walked into my apartment.

"Hey Mr. Mike. How are you?" I asked as I jiggled the key in the lock. Once again this bum ass door was giving me trouble.

"You need a lil help with that?" He asked.

I didn't like taking help from anybody. I don't know how I ever got to this spot.

"No sir."

I kept fidgeting with the key feeling very nervous. My anxiety started to sink in. I didn't want anybody's help and I damn sure didn't need it. "What in the hell is wrong with this stupid door?" I was getting pissed by the minute. My anxiety got so bad that I started frantically tryna open the door. By now, I know I looked beyond crazy. I felt crazy. I did all this just because I didn't want no help.

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