Helfire club

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Despite my weird feeling in the bathroom the other day I was kinda excited to go to the d&d meetup thing tonight,, some of it had to do with Eddie but- whatever. I got dressed and told Dustin to meet me in his aunt's car. She was letting me drive it which I thought was pretty cool cause she worked from home. "Wait so why are you coming to this?" Dustin asked while we were driving "well Eddie invited me and I wanna see what this d&d thing was really about." I said back "mhm." He said. I scoffed and turned up the radio as we drove to the school.

Once we got there Dustin's friends were waiting outside they all said hi and standing behind them I saw Eddie. He saluted me and smiled. I did it back and walked into the school. Before we started I went to the bathroom, on my walk back from the bathroom I noticed something weird in the gym, I heard a weird noise so I went to check it out I saw something weird on the wooden bleachers. It was this weird red glowing thing I went to touch it and heard a loud noise behind me and it scared me, I turned around to see Eddie "omg! Eddie!!" He put his hands up not to scare me, "just me California." He said. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to look at the red stuff. He stood next to me and looked too. "What the hell..." he said quietly. "Guys!!" Dustin yelled. We both turned around and rushed out of the gym and back into the d&d room.

They started to play the game and I sat behind Eddie watching him. He was wearing big rings and bracelets, I liked watching his hands. I watched the whole thing. It was kinda boring but it looked like Dustin was having a lot of fun. Their game came to an end and I was so curious to see what that stuff was on the bleachers. I didn't want anyone else to know tho. While everyone was talking I tapped Eddie on the shoulder, he turned to me and smiled and then raised his eyebrows waiting for me to say something "will you come to the bleachers with me?" I asked. He nodded and we both walked out while everyone had a little party in the room.

We walked over to the bleachers and saw the stuff again. I went to touch it and he grabbed my hand. I looked at him "we don't know what that stuff is" he said. I searched the bleachers for a pen or pencil before I found one. I slowly stuck the pencil into the weird thing. It went through and when I pulled it out it was all gooey and gross. We both stared at the pencil. Soon Eddie took both his hands and put them through the hole to get the weird spider web stuff out of the way. We both looked into the hole and we could hear noises, screeches, um animal-like noises. "Why is this here?" I asked "i- I don't know." Eddie said while grabbing something to cover it up with. He looked at his watch. "Shit. It's 9:30." We both walked back and I got Dustin and we went home. The ride home was silent, I didn't know if I should've told him or not. I also couldn't stop thinking about when Eddie grabbed my hand...

We finally got home and I fell right asleep.

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