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It was a pretty sunny morning and I had just made it to school. It was Friday, which is most people's favorite day cause they get to go hang out with friends all weekend. Me? I stay home and listen to music. I walked into school and a girl from my homeroom was handing out party fliers. I sat down and looked at it. "No parents!! Party till sunrise! *Address* fun... I thought to myself sarcastically. The annoying popular girl sat down next to me, cherry. "So... you coming to the party new girl?" I looked at her she was a blondie who had put on way too much lipgloss and was chewing gum. "Uh, I don't do parties," I said back. "Ugh don't be one of those boring loners, EVERYONES going." She said. I sighed "fine."

Lunchtime came around and I went over to Dustin's table, this time getting a seat closer to Eddie. He looked at me and I handed him the flier. He read it and looked at me like I was stupid. "A party...?" He asked I shrugged and smiled. "Do I look like I like to party?" He asked me, "do I?" I asked, looking at him and smiling. "Why should I attend this?" He asked, "well... it's my first party and I'm not going alone." I said, "bring Dustin." He said. I squinted my eyes and left the flier with him and I got up.

I got ready for the party later that night:

My aunt was out with her friends so I had to walk good thing I remembered the address and it wasn't that long of a walk

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My aunt was out with her friends so I had to walk good thing I remembered the address and it wasn't that long of a walk. On my way, I could feel weird stuff it wasn't right. Like someone was watching me. I sped up quickly and can finally make it to the party.

I walked in and it was crowded... I rushed to the kitchen where I had a drink I saw cherry coming towards me oh god "hey!!! You came!!" she said coming in for a hug. She hugged me but I didn't give in. She looked me up and down, "you look... good!" I put on a forced smile and then went outside to where the pool was. I saw Jason, the captain of the basketball team. He was looking at me and then was coming towards me. "Hey, the new girl right?" He asked "y/n." I said back "you're kinda hot for a freak." He said "freak?" I asked, "well I mean look at the way you dress, I mean you hang out with Eddie Munson." He said. I raised my eyebrows and laughed. I gripped my drink and said, "did anyone hear that?!" I yelled and stood up on a chair, I grabbed attention. "Jason here... called the freak hot!" "I thought you had a girlfriend?" I said. Jason looked embarrassed and all his teammates looked at him weirdly. I poured my drink on him and hopped off the chair.

I went back inside and saw Eddie walk in the door. Wearing his normal jean jacket. We made eye contact and I smiled "wow... you came" I said clapping. "Yeah well, I don't plan on staying long." He said. "Yeah me either I kinda poured my drink on Jason, let's go," I said grabbing his hand. We walked out laughing and talking. "Hey Eddie, can I tell you something?" I asked, "yeah anything." He said back "I didn't know who to tell I just... weird things have been happening." I said, "like what?" He asked. "Well" I said


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