Chapter 7

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Esmé’s POV

“Don’t think like that!” Mrs. Birmingham bustled over, “We’re all upset, what you and your mother need is to go home and rest. I’ll take care of the...the funeral dearies.” she stuttered. “Aileen, can you help them get home safely?”

“Of course.” Aileen replied.

“Good.” Mrs. Birmingham grabbed Tommy’s hand and shuffled out of the door.

Aileen helped me and mom up, everything was fuzzy as I spaced out. The streets whizzing by the bus windows that Aileen lead mom and I into looked vaguely familiar. The bus stopped and Aileen helped us up again and pushed open the front door of our house. Mom flopped onto the couch dazed as Aileen helped me carefully up the stairs, my arm over her shoulder to my room where I got into bed Aileen gave me a pill for my headache and I fell asleep just as my head touched the pillow.


Aileen’s POV

  Esmé didn’t come to school for a couple days even though she wanted to return right away. The teachers were sympathetic and said that after a traumatizing event like this, of course she would need a couple days. It wasn’t that lonely, I visited every day after school sometimes with some other friends or with presents. All the same my usual cheeriness did not come back just yet and my grades weren’t getting any better. The soccer coach said if my attitude didn’t get better they would have to kick me off the team, that’s what happens when I don’t have Esmé bugging me to study every five minutes. The speaker crackled. “Aileen Jackson please proceed to the math room at the bell, Aileen Jackson to the math room, Thank-you.”

“Oh snap!” I said aloud. “Please Mr. C. don’t give me another detention ‘cuz I failed my math test.”Everyone was staring at me. Oh great, now everyone knows I got yet another detention, I’m off the soccer team for good now.

The bell rang out for recess and I headed to the math room.

“Come in Aileen!”Mr. C. said suspiciously cheerfully.

Pushing open the door I grunted. “Hi.”

“I understand you’ve been kind of down, that is why I am not going to give you a detention for your horrendous test result. Embarrassed, I looked down at my feet.

“On the contrary,” he resumed cheerfully. “I want you to deliver some good news.”

“Sure, what?”

“Esme got 100% plus some extra points for explanation on her math test and got the scholarship to Ornund Academy! Will you tell Esme for me? I think some good news would be good for her.”

“Of course, Mr. C. That’s great !” I replied semi-enthusiastically . He’s right, some good news will be good for her. Especially today...the funeral

“That’s Mr. Caulk to you.” he chuckled steering me out the door.


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