a boys wish turned reality

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Y/n was a boy who loved the sonic franchise with his favorites vector,sonic,tails and his 1 time favorite shadow because his backstory and how he felt for this character.

He was 15 and was a happy go lucky person who belive that everyone can be a good person if they wanted too and belive that he cannot changed everyone even if he wanted to.

He had a regular family with friends here and there.

His mom took him to the doctors after he been having headaches and body pains all over and was sick.

The doctor took some tests and even asked the mom a strange question.

Doctor: umm mam does your family have any hereteridy disease or from the father side that can cause a kid or person to be sick in your family.

M/n: no I swear my son haven't got any sure my father got a skin disease but my son or I haven't gotten it.

The face of the mother was that of worried as the doctor said the next word that change her live as many others.

Doctor:I am sorry after testing we diagnosed with cancers even though his young we are sorry ( his head down not looking at the mother)

The mother was outrageous by thus the first time in a while saying.


Doctor: I am sorry but as a professional doctor it's my job to tell the truth to the patient.

The mother calmed down and asked the doctor if there is a cure to help her son.

Doctor: yes mam there is like every cancer chemotherapy and other would helps but it's take time and alot of test so he has to stay later in the hospital but I want you to allow him to take stuff he likes and bring them here if that's okay.

M/n: yes okay please help my son he is too young to go through this type of stuff please.

Doctor: I will trie mam you best belive and I wouldn't want this little sonic fan boy to die before sonic frontiers come out don't we.

Y/n:you like it too I didn't know doctors like kids stuff I thought they have stay professional.

Doctor shows a sonic shirt underneath his coat.

Doctor: I sure adults like me and can like kids stuff and I know your mom like some stuff when she was a child am I right.

M/n:Yeah, your mom used to play with toys like old Barbi dolls and some outside toys, and while that, when does he need to come in.

Doctor: Just in a week, then we can get started on helping your son.

After the doctors appointment y/n and his parents helped him be prepared for the hospital and he went in and had couple but the result wasn't so good the chemotherapy didn't work and the conditions worsen and he had only a 2 months left to live and during that time his friends and family's gave his best 2 months and I friend talk to Jason griffin the voice actor for shadow the hedgehog during the sonic x. Before his final moment, the actor gave the message and gave y/n a few seconds to say goodbye, and he passed.

Y/n floated through a void while he opened his eyes. He wondered if this was heaven, but giggling could he heard a voice mixed of female and male.

A glowing presence appear it glowed so bright that you can't see their body at all.

??:hello young welcome to limbo the world where you could go to any world you wish so young one where do you wanna go.

Y/n: Umm, who are you exactly.

???: I am everything and everyone I could be you or anything you want or some may call me God since that what everyone calls me so again where do you wanna go.

Y/n knew exactly where to go but wanted to ask to see if it's possible.

Y/n: Is it possible to go to any world, even worlds that have been created by us with our ideas.

God:Yes, my child, any world, even worlds, that you didn't exist because of human imagination.

Y/n: Then I want to go to Sonic World. I don't care if I am a side character or main character. I want to interact with Sonic and his friends.

God nodded and gave off a big light that covered the void and y/n with it, and while his eyes were close, he heard a conversation.

???:Are you sure my DNA is in it and would make the ultimate life form.

???. Yes, combined with your DNA and with mobians and chaos energy, it would make the ultimate creature of life.

Y/n thoughts : wait ultimate lifeforms am I SHADOW.

( Hey guys, I hope you like this new book. I had a hard time with my previous one, so i took a break off it and decided to make this one. I hope you like

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