past and future

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( for the image this is the best I could do trying to find a cloaked mephiles not even fan art had it just imagined the smile is not there )

For who is already knowing of the Sonic 06 story, forgive me for not having all the details if I fail to mention something, but for now, let's continue)

In the same story of 06, Sonic does try to save Elise and Sliver. You 6 tricked by mephiles and other things have happened like amy getting kidnapped as well .

For sonic yes he does think alot more different and thinks alot smarter in comparison to he's Canon self due to shadows influence as he realize sure he is fast and powerful and little bit cocky but it doesn't mean you have to brute force way into battle.

And due to shadows influence sonic has he's ablitys from sonic frontiers due to shadows little knowledge of it ( and before you say why little it's because shadow past life died before sonic frontiers came out and yes I made this book before the game came out sooo I can't change it now )

But bsck to the story, this is right to the part where sonic,tails, and knuckles go to eggmans base to find Elise and shadow. As sonic seen shadows, GPS hasn't responded and feels eggmans behind it.

Knuckles go through the robotic guards with brute strength while tails hack through the base to find where Elise could be, and Sonic makes his way at top speed .

Sonic and tails and knuckles talk through the comms they made earlier.

Tails talks from flying in the sky with his twin tails

Tails : From what i am seeing, Elise and maybe shadow could be in the base as I am looking through the cameras and only see Eggman with Elise
Sonic : And where is that

Tails explains the directions while Sonic moves around the base as knuckles are also radioed in comms about it as they head in that direction

As they make it in it was quite slient as they walk in to the area where Eggman trap them in the same room that is in Canon as they see Elise behide a glass wall as Eggman can be seen smiling.

Sonic :  hey egghead we are back but just one problem give me back the princess.

Eggman scoffed at sonics cocky posture but grins as he had a plan as he looked again at the 3

Eggman : You think you could've come here and been that easy, would you but I knew in fact someone told me a while ago

Past pov : as Eggman was in he's room as he was preparing to fight sonic normally like he usually do but a cloaked figure came from the shadows as I kept its face hidden but has a similar body to shadow how odd.

Eggman holds a pistol to the figure

Eggman : Who are you and what do you want?

??? : I only want to help you doctor robotnick* the figure it said bowing to the doctor as it had a distorted voice so it was undetermined who it was *

Eggman : Why would you want to help me and a mobian of all things after all the chaos I caused to the islands and your own species? "he said with doubt .
??? : Oh, don't put me with them, doctor. I am not dumb to not realize the inevitable of you taking over

Eggman was intrigued as he finally thinks that someone who thinks on the same brainlength as the figure nodded

Eggman : So why are you here ?

??? : I want you to send Sonic and he's 2 friends to the past with the newest piece of tech you made .

Eggman : Wait, how did you?

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