team dark rises

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After shadow so called death sonic and team has been searching to see if they can find he's remains and during that time Eggman has kept our protagonist alive in a tube for study as Eggman had plans but untile a bat swoop in and came searching for treasure.

Rough: hmm I wonder if this is the place where Eggman keeps he's treasure ( as she opens the door and looks and sees its empty except for a tube as she looks into it and sees shadow as she gasp a bit

Rough : well well he did survive after all that blue hedgehog will be suprise

( as she look in the data in the computer a robot turns on )

( the robot aims it's mini gun as it opens fire as rough jump out while out main protagonist wakes up )

( this is shadow our protagonist however due to he's new ability he was able to make a chaos force felid in time but pass out due to using all of he's energy)

( shadow grabs rough and puts her in a safe place and before the robot or him could fight but rough stops them and like in game they forge team dark but with the same goal but to to stop Eggman)

They head to the sea side as they fight robots as it was easy with omega strength and rough suprise shadoe when she can hold all 3 of them )

( rough : never underestimate a girl sweetie )

As they defeat alot of robots as omegas missles and gunfire helps alot )

As shadow of course is the speed of the group as he use he's rocket shoes and uses the black tornado to get out of low to high places )

They get throught sea side hill as they run into one of eggman as he in one of he's brid like vehicle )

Eggman : I see your the one that's been messing around with my army

Omega : must destroy doctor Eggman

Doctor : oh omega how nice to nice you I see your on there side now well no matter your all gonna be stop here and now )

( the fight happens as the trio uses their ablitys to doge gun fire and takes our Eggman roters on the wings of the vehicle)

When they destroy ot Eggman gets he's egg mobile amd leaves while the team dark move on to the advance city)

( outside the city pov)

Shadow : hmm is this the place where Eggman is

Rough: yes and when we found him the treasure is mine got that

Omega : affirmative

( they go through the place as the blue roads speed them as they go through badnicks )

Rough helps uses her flight and ablitys to help the team )

Omega uses he's gunfire and shooting rough and shadow while in spinach mode )

Rough : be a bit more gentle omega

Omega: if I don't hit hard with you you just put a dent on a robot

Rough: hmph I can hit hard if you throw me a bit gentle

( shadow being Canon being slient while questioning he's 2 dual memory one from the ark while the other was humans he never met but felt similar in a another life to him)

( they make it to to casino park after beating up team chaotix as the fight was easy for them due to shadows chaos ablitys and omega wepons which overwhelmed them )

Team dark makes through the casino while being pin balls which was werid but it made the team move forward as they have a another encounter with Eggman again)

Shadow : doctor Eggman who am I and what are these memories

Doctor Eggman like Canon say the has ni memory as they go to the next battle between them)

Eggman disspears while mutiple badnicks surround them as they take care of it and after shadow felt down )

Shadow tightens he's fist as he remembers Eggman saying he has no past but the conflict memory make it hard for him to belive )

( rough takes her hand on shadows fist )

Rough : don't worry sweetie we get answers and some sweet money )

Omega: and eggmans destruction

Shadow nods as they head to the the train area rail canyon)

( hope you like this sorry it took long to update had to watch a game play of team dark to make sure i got the facts right and a bit of un motivated sorry and again hope you like it and nye )

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