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The school bell rang making then students to race to their classes….
Then entered the most elegant and popular girl of the school. She was Cliben Moonrose the female heart-throb of the school popularly known as ‘Moon’. Walking though the hallways everyone’s eye was on her. Out of nowhere someone shouted her name in the ears making her flinch. And yes, she was no other but her bestie. She was Lexy Meoxy the captain of the girls’ soccer team.
They were sitting in the class when Ms. Netheline entered the class room. Everyone stood and greeted her a good morning. “Sit down everyone. Today you people are going to have a new friend. Yes students, we have new transferred student.” said Ms. Netheline. She called the new girl and told her to introduce herself.
When the new girl entered the class room, everyone’s eye widen because of the beauty. Everyone started whispering about her priceless beauty. One of them said,” I guess now Moon will no more be the queen bee and the most beautiful girl”. Moon over heard them speaking about her. She was really disappointed. She never thought that someone would replace her like this. Moon was lost in her thoughts when the girl introduced herself as Minari Sakura. She was not focus in any of the classes.
The recces bell rang…Moon was going to the cafeteria will Lexy when she again heard students’ whisper about her and the new girl.
She could no more control herself and just rushed to a sit in the corner. Lexy was confused. Moon was trying to have some peace when she saw someone already asking out Minari. Her eyes widen when she realized it was no there but Mark Walter, the guy who asked her out yesterday. She just had enough by that time and she straightly went to the roof top. She was shading her tears when someone tapped her shoulder. Again it was no other but Mark.” What Happened to you all of a sudden and why are you crying?” he asked. Moon remained silent being stubborn. Mark got irritated and just left saying,” Can u stop that. Why are you getting jealous?” Moon just stood there.
While heading back to home Moon was challenged by some means girls to go to the haunted basement and bring a red card from there. One of the mean girls spoke, “Girl your fame is already on the verge of extinction, so you better listen to us if you don’t want your life to be more miserable.” By saying that they left.
Moon went to the basement just after they left. Little did she know someone was following her. She was actually fearless. She went to the basement and in no time she found the red card but it was kept very high. She bought a ladder and climbed it, so that her hands will reach the red card. But as she was wearing heels, she lost her balance and was about fall when someone caught her. The ladder also fell on that person as he saved Moon. When Moon opened her eyes, she was shocked to see Mark there. “What are you doing here?” She asked. Mark replied by saying,” shouldn’t I ask that?” Moon tried to stand up but she was not able to as she got her ankle twisted. Seeing that Mark Carry her in the Bridal style and took her to a nearby café. 
There Mark asked for some ice packs to the waiter. When he was putting the ice pack on Moon’s sprained Ankle, she was constantly staring at him. “I know I am handsome but you should stop staring.” said Mark while trying to tease Moon. Moon’s faced turned into a red tomato hearing it. That day went like that.
The next day…
In the morning Moon when to the mean girls with so much confidence and gave the card to them. She then simply left without saying anything. In during the class Ms. Netheline gave them a NEWS that they will be going to Mesinton for a research trip the next week. Everyone was very excited as it was very famous for the biggest hospital in the world was situated in Mesinton. Moon looked a Lexy and said,” don’t you have a match next week, how will you come. I am not going there without you”. Lexy replied smirk,” You really can’t live without me huh? Don’t worry I always have plan with me. I will come to the resort one day after you all reach”. Moon nodded happily.
In no time that week passed. The whole week everyone was busy in packing and planning for the trip. Grade 12th and 11th were going to the trip.
On the day of the trip….Everyone went there in the school bus except two….The door of the limo open revealing a guy covered in designer clothes. He was Andrew Jonas the child of a rich businessman. With him was his so called girlfriend Momo Heterwood. Momo was 11th grader dating a rich senior.
Mark was with his best friend Keden Viscot. Mina was with her only friend Naomi Minje who was also a transferred student from japan. Mina’s popularity didn’t last long as Moon was the actual queen bee not only for her beauty but also for her confidence and kindness. There was also Nina Nittle, the meanest girl with her minions.
That day they did nothing special. That time Moon was researching more about Mesinton. She found that not only the biggest hospital is situated here but also there is a laboratory. She studies more about the city in night. Not only her but a lot of students were still awoke. One of them was Sophia. When Sophia finished her research she was already sleep and her roommate Clara was already asleep. I was kind of cold so Sophia went to the window to close it. When she looked outside she saw……

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