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Everyone was rushing and running. Sophia was confused. She woke tried to wake up Clara but Clara just hummed and turned around. Sophia bought a bottle and sprinkled water on Clara’s face making Clara annoyed. Before she could say anything Sophia dragged he to the window. Just like Sophia Clara was also shocked. They thought of informing this situation to Ms. Netheline.
They banged on the door. When Ms. Netheline came up with a sleepy face they explained the situation to her. Ms. Netheline tried to contact the manager of the resort but no one was picking up the calls. So, Ms. Netheline went outside to look at the situation. She saw students running here and there and other students chasing them. One the students came near her and told her to run and again started running. In the distance she saw the manager standing showing his back. She called the manager. The manager looked behind by turning his head. His face was cover with blood like he has bitten someone. Ms. Netheline was shocked and stood there froze.
The manager came running to her ready to bit her too. But fortunately Sophia dragged Ms. Netheline in. But another student came in front and manager jumped on her and bit her. Her miserable face gave Ms. Netheline goose booms. They looked the door up.
Suddenly Clara noticed that Sophia was also got bitten while returning back. Sudden Sophia started acting weirdly. Her arms and legs started turning around. Blood was coming out of her eyes like tears. It seem like she also wanted to bit someone. Before thinking anything Clara hit Sophia head with a vase near her. It didn’t affect her but injured her a little.
That time Moon came down stairs to see what was happening. Ms. Netheline shouted, “Moon, kid go and call everyone and tell them to run, we need to leave this place as soon as possible.” Hearing her shout Mark also came down stairs. Moon and Mark rushed up stairs to call everyone. They went to the roof top were Andrew and Momo were enjoying their quality time. Andrew got annoyed seeing Mark at that place. But Moon tried to explain everything.
They tried to call as much as people as they could. But as could no more was any time, Ms. Netheline told them to run out of this place. Naomi suddenly remembers that Mina is still in their room. She told about Mina being in room. Andrew told Naomi to just run for now or else they will die in no time. Naomi stood there not knowing what to do. Suddenly out of nowhere Keden dragged Naomi’s wrist and started running. 
They run, run and run as fast as they could. They didn’t even dare to look back of once…..
They were a little relived seeing a café nearby. They all rushed inside the café. They entered the café and shut the door and looked it. When they turned around they saw two guys looking at them in shock. They were Mr. Brown, the owner of the café and his assistant Robert. Ms. Smith explained the matter to them and they were equally shocked too.
“Let’s start from the beginning, what is going on?” asked Moon. A girl from other section started explaining,” I and my class went to the hospital first. There we were given water by a lady who looked like a staff or may be a nurse. Everything was alright until suddenly Rick started acting weirdly. His legs and arms twisted. Blood was coming out of his eyes, and he looked like he was craving to bit someone.” Clara interrupted by saying, “Miss that’s what exactly happened with Sophia too” Then the other girl continued,” Suddenly Rick jumped on a nurse and bit her, she also became like Nick. Then in no time every one was biting each other. I and some other students were successful to escape but in no time that infection like thing was spreading and no we are here.”
There was a dead silence after that. Then suddenly Julian a girl from their section spoke, “Where is the new girl?” The reality hit them hard that a lot of students are still in the resort. Moon also tried to call Lexy but her phone was switched up. Everyone was really tensed.
On the other side in the resort, Mina heard the screams from the outside when she took out the earpods. She opened the door of her room and all of sudden a lot of infected students tried to attack her. Fortunately Mina closed the door at the right time. She was not able to process what was going on. She looked outside the window and saw Students running for their lives .She was confused and didn’t know what to do.
Back to the café again Moon, Ms. Netheline and the others were planning to escape. Moon decided to again go to the resort tomorrow and bring Lexy with her. Mark, Keden, Stam, Naomi and Blue also decided to come with her.
Mean whiles Lexy was done packing was heading to Mesinton…….

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