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It was 5 in the morning. Everyone was ready to get to the other building. Keden lead the path till the second building. They all went down to the ground floor silently trying not to get caught by the zombies. When they all reached down as planned the all ran towards the park as planned. But nor the park was empty. It was also filled with zombies. Seeing the zombie they ran faster and faster. They also tried not to trip on anything or else this might be the end.

Getting chased by the zombies they ran as first as they could until they reach the other building. But instead of going by the main entrance they choose the back door of the building which connected the Kitchen for the campus canteen. Just as everyone came in Moon and Mina shut the door closed and fell down to catch breathe.

It was not easy. They ran for their lives just to get to the other survivors. But they didn’t knew were they could find those other survivors. First they decided to eat something as they were in the kitchen.

Naomi went near one of the cabinets to search for some food when she suddenly got a jump scare. She tried not to raise her voice. But her sudden reaction toke everyone’s attention. Then out of nowhere a little girl came out. She seems like a 7 year old child who got separated from her parents due to this virus.

“Who are you little girl and where are you parents?” asked Lexy.
“M-m-my….name is Lily…. I got lost when my parents and others where running from the infected people to save their lives.” Finishing her words she started crying.

But the others kept her quite. They gave her some chocolate that they got in the kitchen.  Mina sat next to her and comforted her by telling her they will find her parents.

Suddenly the door of the Kitchen burst open and some people came running into the kitchen. They were followed by the zombies. As they all came in they shut the door close and took a sign of relief.

Moon and the others were way too shock and trying to process what just happened. Those were the people they were trying to contact with. But sudden when the others turned around they saw Momo, Nefflile, Ms. Netheline and the other students.

Moon, Mark, Keden and the others were shocked as they thought the others were died. But seeing them alive they were over the clouds. Now they weren’t alone.

In the cafeteria
As soon as Mark and the others went to rescue Lexy, everybody sat down waiting for them to come back safe. Suddenly Evelyn stood up. Evelyn was the opponent of moon, who always wanted to win over moon. She again wanted to pull moon down. She gave the idea to everyone to leave the restaurant and go somewhere far and safe. She told everyone when everyone will come back with Lexy, they might be beaten by the scary people outside.

Then Andrew with fiery eyes stood up against her and started arguing with her as Andrew already knew about Evelyn intentions.

Katie, who was the most scared person from the starting was near a corner sobbing, suddenly her hands got hit by a bundle of utensils. The utensils fell down making vibrations, Evelyn and Andrew stopped where they were. And in a blink of eye, all the infected people came near the restaurant and were trying to come inside it. As the restaurants door and window were of glass, it made them easier to attack and come inside.

Inside there, all were scared and there Andrew and teacher tried to push them. Suddenly they broke the glass and attacked people inside. Evelyn shouted to escape through the back door. Everyone started running, Andrew who was fighting with the freaks also started running.

They all went to the hospital campus as it was the only place they could think of that time…….


“So what are we planning to do now?” asked Momo.

   --People present in the kitchen that time--

Moon , Lexy , Momo , Mark , Mina , Ms. Netheline , Andrew , Keden , Naomi , Alex , Alexa , Sophia , Robert , Evelyn , Katie , Mr. Brown , Julian , Lily

DEAD IN ALIVEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz