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On the other hand Lexy, Robert, Nefflile, Mina, Mr. Brown, Ms.Natheline and Lily were stuck in a room were the guards threw them into. They just had no way out of there. And some stupid guards were also standing outside the door. They had already tried out all the ways possible but noting worked. Now, they were just sitting clueless.

Well if you see the room was not that bad at all. It just seems like a room for a patient in those expensive hospitals. But still that was not a good place to be locked in. They were also all tied by that time. Well it was already night by that time as they guessed. They could not tell as there was no window in the room. The whole Laboratory was actually underground. 

“Lily I guess you should sleep by now” said Mina. But Lily didn’t listen to her. She was feeling weird and unexpectedly she started feeling attracted to the smell of the humans around her. She didn’t want to do it but she was craving to bit them. Sudden her eyes started getting reddish in color. And as no one was watching her, she bit Momo’s hand.
Momo screamed in pain.

Then they all looked towards Lily. Who was looking and acting like a zombie. They all went far from her. But Mina was trying to calm Lily down. “MINA WHAT ARE YOU DOING COME PLZ” shouted Nefflile. On the other hand Momo was also turning into a zombie.

Everyone’s focus was on Lily, Momo bit Robert. There was a lot of screams again. But no one could hear they as the room was sound proof. There were three zombies in the room by that time. Momo and Robert were coming to bite the other while Ms. Netheline was protecting her students and so was Mr. Brown. And they got bitten too. By that time Lexy had climbed up on a shelf and so Did Nefflile taking the idea of Lexy. Lexy also helped Mina climb up. 

“We have to save lily”said Mina. “Are you crazing she is a zombie but how but still” said Lexy. Hearing Mina and Lexy talk Nefflile motioned them to keep quite.

Lily was scared. She had already returned back to her consciousness. She was just sitting in the corner of the room sobbing. Nefflile and Lexy looked at her confused. By that time all the other had already turned into zombies and they were just trying to get to Lexy, Mina and Nefflile. But none of them went near Lily.

Sudden the door burst opened by some guards with two people behind them. But as soon as those guards saw the zombies they started firing on them. While the guards were firing, William told Moon to back off and Moon went behind him. But as they were going to fire on Lily, Mina shouted” NO NOT HER….SHE IS NOT A ZOMBIE SHE IS IMMUNE”

All their attention went to Mina who was standing on the shelf. The guards ordered them to come down and they did so. As they came down they saw Moon with a guy. “Moon?” said Lexy. Lexy was about to come near when the guards stopped her. But Moon didn’t alter a word. Seeing Moon like this Lexy looked surprised and confused.

The guy asked Mina to explain everything. Mina explained everything to everyone, leaving everyone in shock. “Seem like we have another thing to research on” said William. “What no she is just a little kid you can’t do that. And Moon say something why on Earth are you silent?” said Mina.

Still Moon didn’t say anything. The guards were taking Lily to another room but as she was not willing to go and was shouting, they injected her will some kind of medicine that made her conscious. Lily was shifted into another room while William told one of the guards to inform the other about their next step of experiment. The guards also took the dead bodies.

“Well I guess you all will be still staying here as you might be infected too” said William
“No we are not trust me, you can check us” said Nefflile.  Moon whispered something to William that made him agree to once check Lexy, Mina and Nefflile. As the others had no sign of infection they were also shifted into a better room. But still no one of them had any freedom to roam around.

“So are you happy now High school cupcake” said William

“Thank you sir but-” Moon was cut by William “Just call me William or Billy if you want”
“And you too just call me Moon” said Moon.  

I have kept my promise and let your friends out of that room and now It’s your turn…….

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