Chapter 9: Agreement

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Saturday arrived and Rosalyn's anxiety was through the roof. She really shouldn't have kissed Dr. Holloway.

Rosalyn scolded herself for drinking too much and then making a fool of herself.

On top of that, she failed her loyalty test and she's sure that Dr. Holloway is going to write Alaina a long report of her characteristic flaws.

Rosalyn didn't even try to dress up today - she was wearing some raggedy jeans with cuts on them, a black hoodie and a black wool coat. It was mid-November and the air began to feel frosty. Being from the South, Rosalyn wasn't used to the cold weather but she didn't mind it. It made her senses heighten and feel alive for some reason - summer could never do that for her.

Before heading out, Rosalyn grabbed her tote bag and made her way out.

She was determined to get on her good graces and not be seen as an idiot. She was already playing with fire having all of this free of charge and mingling with one of the most famous women in New York, and she couldn't mess things up more.


Valeria's heels echoed along the floors as she paced up and down the reception area.

No one else was in the office except her - none of her staff worked weekends but that didn't apply to Valeria.

In a way, she was a workaholic.

She worked to forget her past and not let her mind idle. With every sorrow that she felt, Valeria turned that anger and sadness and let it motivate her through her schoolwork and then now her business.

She was told she'd never make it and that she wasn't smart enough or good enough. Well, look at her now. She proved everyone wrong but she couldn't make herself believe it.

Valeria still drank, despite her ability to pull it together and succeed. On the outside, she was "perfect" and disciplined, but on the inside, her doubts and loneliness were eating her day by day.

Today Valeria was wearing a black and grey houndstooth midi dress, with short sleeves and a black collar. Her hair sleek and shiny and her makeup a bit darker today.

Appearances mattered. No one takes you seriously if you don't look good, no matter how knowledgeable you are.

Valeria was trying to figure out the words to say to Rosalyn, but didn't know where to begin. All she knew was that she had to set their records straight and keep it professional. Rosalyn was a client and she was the match-maker.

She couldn't get her feelings involved with her.

Before Valeria had time to prepare a mental speech, the elevator dinged to alert Valeria that Rosalyn was here.

She turned around to see the beautiful young woman approaching her hesitantly. Her bright eyes anticipating the worst.

Valeria frowned. She wasn't mad at Rosalyn.

"I'm not mad at you, if that's what you're thinking." Valeria said coolly.

"I'm sorry." Rosalyn fidgeted with her coat sleeves and looked into Valeria's eyes for forgiveness.

Valeria softened - she could tell Rosalyn was a people pleaser, clearly traumatised from previous relationships.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. That's not why I called you in today." Valeria began walking to her office and gestured to Rosalyn to follow.

Her office was bright and cheery looking today, despite the gravity of the situation.

Her window blindfolds were open and the New York City skyline glistened in the background, with no indication of how cold it was outside.

"Please sit..." Valeria offered her a seat on her couch as she went to grab her laptop.

"Now, please Rosalyn, don't feel bad about what happened. We both got caught up in the moment."

Rosalyn sighed. "Right, it won't happen again, I promise not to drink that much and then do something stupid again."

"Don't worry dear. You had a good time with Alaina and that is what matters."

Valeria opened her laptop and began to take notes about what she remembered from the date.

It was hard to admit but Alaina and Rosalyn had a good date, one of the better ones she'd seen for the first time.

"Now, your date with Alaina -." Before she finished her sentence, Rosalyn asked a question that shook her.

"Did you hate it that much?" Rosalyn whispered.

Valeria stopped typing and looked into Rosalyn's mystic green orbs.

"I never said anything about hating it, Rosalyn. This is about -"

"You of all people should be able to figure out what is going on between us." Rosalyn retorted. She knew she was playing a dangerous game in front of Dr. Holloway but that kiss meant something.

Valeria glared at Rosalyn and quietly closed her laptop. Like a sly and stealthy fox, she rose from her spot and made her way towards Rosalyn, like a predator approaching her prey.

Her heels were the only sound in the room, minus Rosalyn's frantic heartbeat that she swore Valeria could hear.

"And what is going on between us, pet? Hmm?" Valeria smirked and brushed her finger across Rosalyn's cheek before lifting her chin so she had to look Valeria in the eyes.

"I... I'm not sure, but I know I want more," Rosalyn struggled to find her words. Valeria's presence was even more intoxicating up close.

Her dark sensual sandalwood perfume was teasing Rosalyn, to the point she felt herself getting turned on by the second.

Valeria internally groaned by this young woman's desperation. She could sense her heat, her body aching for hers and for once, she decided to bend the rules. Her own rules.

Valeria brushed her thumb against Rosalyn's lips.

"How about this, darling. You said earlier that you wanted to explore the darker avenues of sexual relationships. Let's do just that. You and me."

"So, that means we're going to be together or just..."

"No, it will be sexual. We aren't dating. We can explore BDSM if you wish but this is a way for both of us to let off the steam but we will part and go our separate ways once you find your forever partner."

"If you do agree, you will be mine and mine alone. My submissive and pet. You aren't going to go around sleeping with others. We will figure out a contract for this too."

Valeria gripped Rosalyn's neck and guided her to stand up. She wrapped an arm around her body and yanked it closer.

"What do you say, my pet?" Valeria's voice tingled in Rosalyn's ear and she shuddered. All she wanted to do was to submit and lose control around this woman.


"Yes, what?"

Rosalyn gulped. "Yes, mistress."

Valeria smirked and kissed Rosalyn ever so gently on the lips.

"Good girl."


A/N: I'm back lovelies! It took me a while to decide how I want this to proceed but I decided that I would let you all finally see Rosalyn and Valeria together :)

It is about to get very juicy in the next few chapters as they figure this out.

Who wants Rosalyn to stay with Val, and who's rooting for Alaina? Ahaha.

Also! Please check out my other intersex/trans woman story! It's about the Amazons and a woman who ends up on their island :)

Thank you so much for reading this far, and can't wait to share my next chapter. <3 Until then, have a good day loves.

- themelancholicsoul

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