Chapter 13: Coffee

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It was a time of change in the city that never sleeps. Snow had lightly decorated itself on top of roofs and buildings, casting a serene spell over the area. The air was chilly but not menacing enough to freeze the insides of your nose.

It was near the end of the semester for Rosalyn and finals were creeping in but studying was far from her mind. Valeria encompassed her thoughts day and night, at the most random times in the most random places.

She would sit in lectures half the time and daydream about her time with Valeria. When she would see her again and envelop in her strong but caring presence. The only time she felt like herself was with Valeria.

It was nighttime and Rosalyn sat at a local coffee shop not far from campus. Soft jazz played in the background with a quiet ambience of people going in and out, conversing about their day. She already had a flat white and was halfway through a chocolate croissant as focused on her schoolwork.

"Still here, huh? Damn, must be tough." A voice startled her and made her look up. One of the baristas was sweeping the floor nearby. He was around her age, maybe a bit older with scruffy brown hair and gentle brown eyes.

"I suppose. It's not so bad. You read it enough times, it somehow sticks in your head eventually," Rosalyn shrugged. The man laughed.

"Yeah, maybe I should have stuck it out. I chickened out of engineering a while back and have been trying to figure out what to do with my life ever since." The man pulled the chair across from her to sweep under her table.

"Just been working here then?" Rosalyn wasn't much for polite small talk but she decided she had her nose in her book for far too long and needed a break.

The man smiled, showing his evenly white teeth. He wasn't bad looking, she thought. Maybe even attractive to most girls but she didn't feel anything. No giddiness. Nothing.

"Nah, I've been doing some freelance photography on the side but yeah I dunno. I'll figure it out." 

Rosalyn nodded politely as a response.

'Hey! Here we are chatting and I don't even know your name. Hi, I'm Elijah." He shook her hand with a firm grip.


"Wow. Rosalyn. What a pretty name, haven't heard that before." Rosalyn smiled. She got the feeling he was going to chat her ear off if she didn't cut the conversation.

"Yeah, thanks Elijah. Listen, so sorry but I really should get back to studying..." She sheepishly tried to end the conversation.

"Oh! Yes. Right. Not a problem. Hopefully I'll see you around then." He winked before leaving.

Ugh. Rosalyn rolled her eyes when he was gone. She hated herself sometimes. She could have been like other girls, who would have swooned at the sight of this guy but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried to like men. They were just so... boring.

She sighed and got back to her notes. After a while, she thought maybe she could text Valeria. Maybe she knew a little something about biology.

Hey Val. Do you happen to know anything about biology? It wasn't long before she replied.

Hello baby girl. Biology you say? Well, I could say I'm well versed about female biology ;)

Rosalyn laughed. No no. Not like that. I mean I have a test coming up and I know you've done your Ph.D. so just wondering.

I remember a few things from my intro courses. Are you studying right now?

Yeah, I'm at the little coffee shop across the campus, it's right beside a records shop.

Be there in 10.

Rosalyn smiled at her phone. She was so grateful to have Valeria in her life.

"Something funny?" Elijah was back.

"Oh! Um yeah no. My -" Rosalyn stopped. How was she going to describe who Valeria was? A girlfriend? No. Her dom? Well, a bit too much for coffee conversation. "Yeah, my friend is on her way."

"Oh cool! Nice. Well let me know if I can get you anything later on. Let me take this for you." He took away her empty cup.

It wasn't long before Valeria arrived and oh boy did she stick out like a sore thumb. Black stilettos, a long Burberry winter coat and scarf. Her hair and makeup done beautifully as always.

Her heels clicked in the coffee shop as she made her way over. Even some of the people at the other end of the shop looked up to see the gorgeous woman.

"Hello my sweet Rose, how are you? It's been so long." Valeria gave her a warm hug and squeezed her tightly. It made Rosalyn forget about her troubles immediately. Her perfume was so nice too - a patchouli scent with rose and sage.

"It's been two days."

Valeria rolled her eyes. "Two days too long. Don't think I haven't been thinking about you darling." Valeria sat down across from her, looking at Rosalyn suggestively. God this woman made her so flustered.

Rosalyn blushed and bit her lip. Her heart started to race. "I need help reviewing some of these chapters and I thought maybe you could help."

Valeria picked up her notes and flipped through some of her old tests. "You got a 99% Rose in the midterm."

Rosalyn smirked. "Help me with the other 1% then, Professor."

Both of them looked at each other like they were undressing each other in their minds.

"Come. Let's grab some coffee and begin." Valeria led Rosalyn to the counter and of course ordered. She refused to let Rosalyn pay.

"Is this your friend, Rosalyn? The one you were talking about?" Elijah looked very impressed and looked at Valeria all up and down. It infuriated Valeria for two reasons. One. She was not her friend. Two. Who did this impish child think he was?

"Hmm. Not quite my dear. More like very close friends." Valeria pulled Rosalyn by her waist closer to her and ran her arm down her hip and back, possessively.

"Oh! Right... your lattes will be ready soon." Elijah's face fell and he blushed. Valeria smirked again.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone has a little crush..." Valeria whispered into Rosalyn's ear.

"I just met him."

"Doesn't matter. He wants you."

"Well I don't want him." Valeria relaxed a bit at that and then grabbed their cups to go sit down.

Once seated, Rosalyn took a sip and looked into Valeria's eyes as she did.

"Well, Professor... Teach me." 


Hello lovelies. Wow, two chapters in two days! I saw all of your reads yesterday and it encouraged me to write another chapter. I hope you liked this cute little interaction between them. They can't be banging each other all the time, right?? (Don't think I don't know that is what you want). 

Keep reading, voting and commenting. It means so much to me and I thank you all for your support! 

All my best,


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