Misfortune Cookies

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A/N: in this chapter, Layla ditches Will for the first time ever in favour of getting a part-time job working alongside Warren.

After descending to the ground, Layla widened her eyes in surprise when Warren took a set of keys out of his pocket and a shiny black motorcycle revved to life. 

"Woah, you have a motorcycle?"

"Yep, here." He handed her a spare helmet. "Just hold on tight...I drive pretty fast."

"Okay..." Layla got on the motorcycle and hesitated. "Do I grab onto the back or?..."

"Uh, yeah," Warren said awkwardly. He made a mental note to go a little slower so as not to prompt her to hold onto him. That would make things too weird between them.

Soon they were speeding down the streets, on their way to the Paper Lantern.

Layla didn't know what to expect when she first walked into the restaurant to apply for a job, but after the surprisingly quick interview and briefing, she was given a uniform and was set to take out the trash from the kitchen.

When the head chef heard Warren's recommendation, she raised a knowing eyebrow. "You know, Warren, you're a good boy. You work well. But are you sure bringing your girlfriend here is a good idea? You won't slack off, will you?"

It took all his might to stop himself from correcting the chef about his relationship status. "I assure you, Auntie Yang, she's a good worker and I won't get distracted by her. I'll work out here serving tables and she's working in the back kitchen."

Auntie Yang shook her head. "唉呀, 算了吧..." (Aiyah, forget it then/nevermind then)

Layla came out of the bathroom wearing the uniform apron. "Um, are you sure I can't just buy you lunch or something, Warren? This seems a bit much."

"No, no, it's fine!" Warren waved a hand dismissively. "Auntie Yang likes you and if you take some of my workloads off my hands, that'd be payback enough."

"You sure? Not even laundry? Mowing your lawn? I'm great at gardening." Layla offered.

"I live in an apartment."


Warren huffed a sigh. "Look, it's just simple tasks like taking out the trash and mopping the floors, nothing big and nothing that require too much skill. You're a part-timer, and you'll get less pay."

Layla rolled her eyes. She wasn't desperate for money, but she guessed it wouldn't hurt to make some extra cash since she already got the job anyway.

She glanced at the clock and gasped. "Oh no, I'm supposed to meet Will! We're meeting at his place to study!"

As Layla was about to run out, Warren grabbed her around the shoulders with one arm and pulled her back. 

"Where do you think you're going? You're shift just started. It's 4:30 right now and you don't get off until at least 7 or 8 pm." He said.

"But-but I..." Layla stuttered. How could she miss out on meeting up with Will? No girl in her right mind would ever turn down a chance to spend time with her crush.

Warren looked at her sternly. "No. You wanna make Will fall in love with you? Don't go chasing after him like a puppy. Call him or text him or whatever, just tell him you can't make it tonight because you're busy."

Layla was stunned. Was Warren giving her more love advice? It certainly wasn't like him. "You think I should blow him off? But I want to get closer to him, not push him away."

"Trust me," he replied. "If you keep sticking onto him, he'll notice you less and less. You gotta let go."


Warren paused for a bit. "Sometimes, you don't notice what you have until it's gone. And then there's no turning back." 

"Wow, deep." Layla pulled out her phone and saw an unread message from Will.

She took in a deep breath and slowly tapped on the keys.

W. Stronghold: Hey, r u still coming over 2 study?

L. Williams: sry. busy 2nite. some other time?

W. Stronghold: ...yeh sure, jus let me kno when ur free

Layla exhaled. "That was harder than I thought. I've never turned down a study session with him before."

Warren nodded. "Congrats. That's step one. This contract thing is meant to make him jealous, so act like you don't have time for him."

"But, I really don't since I have this job now..." she pointed out.

"See? Told you it was a good idea. Back to work now, we gotta prepare for the dinner crowd." Warren tied his hair back into a ponytail.

Layla watched as he did so. There weren't many guys she knew who grew their hair out long enough to be tied back. 

Like most girls, she knew the truth about long-haired boys: they're either incredibly sexy or weirdos.

And she knew which one Warren was.

She shook her head and headed towards the back kitchens. She wasn't studying with Will, but she may as well make the most of her new job...and her new 'boyfriend'.


"Phew!" Layla slumped onto the last booth she wiped off. "I didn't think cleaning floors and hauling trash bags would be so tiring!" She rubbed her shoulders.

Warren chuckled. "Welcome to the workforce, rookie. Here." He slid over a plate of fortune cookies. "Employees get to take the leftovers since they get stale after two days."

She reluctantly took the cookie and cracked one open, munching on the not-so-crisp shell. "Alright, what's this one say?" She looked closely at the tiny print of the fortune.

Layla squinted at the tiny printed words.

What you seek might be closer than you expect. Your lucky signs are roses and green jades.

"Hm, strange. Oh, well," Layla shrugged. 

"Yeah, pretty sure the place that makes these isn't really reliable," Warren said, cracking his fortune open. 

Be careful not to lose that which is close to you. What you cherish and hold dear may be easily lost. Your lucky numbers are 3, 6, 8, and 15.

Warren stared at the paper for a second before crumpling it up. "Eh, they're always cryptic anyway."

Layla checked the time again. "Well, I already missed my study session with Will, so I should be heading home now." She got up and untied her apron.

"Need a ride?" Warren offered.

"No, thanks, I can get home myself," she replied. "Thanks for introducing me to this job, anyway."

"Sure. Just text if you need anything," he said. "See you tomorrow?"

Layla smiled. "Yeah, see you."

Somehow, the thought of seeing him again was comforting.

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