And they were bunkmates

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A/N: in this chapter, Layla and Warren make a sudden realisation about their feelings towards each other, but it's made awkward when they're forced to share a tent.

Layla followed Jane in the darkness of the night as they made their way to the lake pier. Every step felt heavy with the impending dread of sharing a tent with a boy she had barely been friends with before.

Sure, Jane was lucky and was bound to have fun, but Layla couldn't help but feel like her entire plan had gone horribly wrong somewhere.

At this point, she may as well have dated Warren for real.

Layla shook away the thought. No, she undeniably had feelings for Will. How could she change her mind so quickly? It had been less than two weeks since she hung out with Warren more often.

"Hey, guys!" Jane said.

They looked up at the two boys walking towards them. Warren had his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"So glad this works out," Will said, taking Jane's hand. "Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it!"

"Yeah, this is perfect!" Jane giggled. "See you two, tomorrow!"

With that, Will and Jane turned around towards Will's tents, their figures slowly fading into the dark of the night.

Layla stood there quietly watching them until Warren gently nudged her arm.

"So...we going or what?"

"Oh, um...yeah, this way." Layla pointed.

They walked in silence for a bit, nothing to be heard but the night owls in the trees and the crickets by the lake. Layla's mind was full and heavy as she tried to gather her thoughts. The image of her childhood lover and classmate together was burned into her brain.

The more she thought about her love slipping away, the more the reality of it weighed on her.

Will would never love her back.

Something wet rolled down her cheek and she touched her face in surprise.

"Layla, are you okay?" Warren asked, worried. Their footsteps came to a halt.

"Um, yeah, I just-" She swiped her sleeve across her eyes. "I got something in my eye."

Warren stepped in front of her, disheartened. "Layla, look at me. It's okay if you wanna cry."

"I'm not...crying..." She stammered out before breaking down into tears.

He set his backpack down and wrapped her up in a warm embrace. "It'll be okay, Layla. I got you."

This time, Layla let herself cry. She held onto the fabric of Warren's shirt as she hiccupped and wept onto his shoulder. His breath was hot against her ear since the night was chilly next to the lake.

Warren let her release her feelings. He knew how much of a d*ck Will was and how he had treated his so-called best friend. And now Layla was in his arms shedding tears for someone who never liked her back the same way she did.

She felt small and fragile as he stood there hugging her. But there was nothing else he could've done. Nothing else but be there for her in her time of need.

Warren felt Layla's breathing steady, they were so close he could hear their hearts beating in unison. 

After about a minute, Layla stopped crying, but she didn't let go of Warren - she didn't want to.

Something about him made her feel safe and protected, in a caring and gentle way that she'd never experienced before. She's hugged Will but not in the same way. With Warren, it felt...right. Like it was where she should've been all along.

A sudden realisation dawned on her. 

"Warren, I-...I'm sorry," she said.


"I broke a rule again." Layla bit her lip.

Warren slowly loosed his arms and met her gaze. "I think this time I can let a little intimate contact pass."

Layla shook her head. "Not...that rule..."

He paused for a moment. "What do you mean, Layla?" His expression was intense, waiting for an answer he wanted to hear.

"...Rule #3," Layla said.

The contract clearly stated that neither party was allowed to fall in love with or developed feelings for the other. Breaking this rule would result in immediate termination.

Warren was stunned for a moment. Rule #3. He had been secretly hoping for that answer, but it was still a surprise, nonetheless. He was aware something about their relationship had changed, and so had his feelings. 

Knowing that Layla felt the same way was comforting.

"Well, I..." He licked his lip. "I might've broken that rule, too."

Layla's eyes widened, glistening from the last few teardrops. "You...really?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

The wind blew around them as they stood in a trance, their eyes locked onto each other. Something magnetic passed between them, a yearning, a spark...a desire.

"So," Layla broke the silence, her eyes unmoving. "What now?"

Warren gave a half smile. "There has been a certain something I've wanted to do for a while now."

"What's that?"

"This." He closed the gap between them and pressed his lips against hers. 

Layla shut her eyes and let his warmth engulf her. It was soft, yet firm, with the slightest taste of lemon mint. She never imagined her first kiss to be with Warren of all people. But she loved every second of it.

She held his shoulders as he wrapped his hands around her waist. There was no one there but Layla and Warren together, sharing a few magical kisses under the stars. 

He pulled apart slightly, leaving only a few inches between them. Layla opened her eyes and felt like she had a glimpse of heaven.

"Layla, I...I do think I really like you," Warren said. "I didn't wanna say anything because of Will, but...I don't think what we have is just a contract."

She smiled. "I...really like you, too."

For a moment, it felt like the world didn't exist except for them. 

"So, uh, we still have to get some sleep." He picked up his backpack again.

"Oh, right," Layla blushed. "Follow me."

They got to the tent and laid down the sleeping bags. As they settled in, Layla couldn't deny the tension between them. The wanting to be closer.

"Goodnight, Warren." She said as she tucked herself in. 

Warren tucked in right next to her and for a few seconds, they lay there in the middle of the tent facing each other, unable to express all the emotions that had passed in the last hour.

"Goodnight, Layla," Warren said. 

That was that, and they soon drifted off to sleep. It had been a not-so-great day, but it was an eventful, and certainly wonderful night.

A/N: sorry for the slow updates, but I'm doing the best that I can.

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