Kiss me at Sunset

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A/N: I know I always say the same thing but I'm once again sorry for this late update. Here's the lovely first date we've all been waiting for!

Warren and Layla sped their way into town, coming to a stop in front of a colourfully decorated cafe.

"Whoa, we're eating here?" Layla said in awe. "I'm not sure if I brought enough money..."

Warren chuckled. "Don't worry about that. I've got everything covered for today. Come on!"

He led her inside where the waitress showed them to a circular booth near the back corner. Fragrant flowers and fairy lights hung from the ceiling, curling around the pastel walls and stopping just above the plush seat cushioning.

"So...what do you think of our first official date location?" Warren smiled. "I made sure to reserve the best spot for us."

"Oh, it's amazing!" She replied. "But, the menu vegetarian?"

"Of course!" He nodded. "I called ahead to make sure they had vegetarian options available."

"Aw, thanks!"

After they ordered, they stared at each other awkwardly, not knowing how to initiate another conversation.

"So, uh, Warren-" Layla nervously stirred her iced tea. "-Aside from school and working at the Paper Lantern, what kind of stuff do you like to do?"

"I like to ride my motorcycle." He replied. "I work out, I eat, sleep's all pretty normal. Nothing really special in particular but...yeah. What about you?"

"Oh, well, I like reading, gardening, and most recently, I started to learn how to bake." She said timidly. 

Warren nodded. "Yeah, of course! Your powers can control plant life."

"And yours can control fire!" Layla said. "It's kind of a strange combo but, you know, I think it's also kind of cool how different powers can mix and work together."

They continued chatting even as their food came, and then it was time for the next activity. As they left the cafe and hopped on Warren's motorcycle again, another classmate of theirs had just spied them from across the road, his fists clenched at his sides.

Will was jealous. 

Jane had just broken up with him through a phone call of all things, and she had informed him of everything she overheard about Warren and Layla's fake dating scheme.

He couldn't stand it. He warned her, and yet she was still hanging around Warren. To top it off, it was all a ploy to get his attention! Layla had certainly succeeded with her initial plan. Will wasn't happy about it, and he intended to do everything in his power to stop it.

Will pulled out his phone and sent a text out to Alex: "Hey, man, I need a favour..."

Blissfully unaware of Will's conspiracy, Layla and Warren continued on with their day.

They stopped by the park where the trees had just begun to change colour. The weeks since they first made the contract had seemed to fly by. They shared an ice cream sundae at a food truck, strolled around the fish ponds and laughed by the playground.

Warren brought Layla to the pier where a seaside carnival had been set up. They wandered among the various booths, winning several prizes along the way and picking up all kinds of snacks. 

He let her drag him around to play different games and go on all the rides. He didn't even like the carnival that much, but seeing her beautiful smile and flaming hair flowing in the wind was more than enough for him.

Soon, the sun was setting on the horizon. Fantastical colours swirled in the sky, and the rolling waves made a perfect mirror reflection. They walked along the beach hand in hand, happy and satisfied with their day out together. It was the perfect end to the perfect date.

"Hey, Warren?" Layla said.


"Thanks for bringing me out today. I had lots of fun." She smiled.

Warren smiled back. "You're welcome. And, uh...I hope it won't be the last time we get to do this."

Their footsteps came to a slow stop and faced the other. They stood looking longingly into each others' eyes, their hands intertwined in front of them as the sun set right above the water line. 

"Layla..." Warren began. "You know, I've never done any of this with anyone before. And I'm really glad I got to spend it with you..."

"Neither have I!" Layla chuckled. "But, despite everything, I'm really happy I got to have my very first date with you, too."

A beat passed and they closed their eyes, leaning forward. The fading gold ray of sunlight between them slowly got smaller and smaller until-


Their heads turned in shock. Will was running across the sand heading directly at them, his friend Alex in tow.

"Please, don't do this, Layla!" Will cried in desperation. "I know the truth about everything! I know it was fake!"

"What?..." Layla gasped and took a step back. "What are you doing here?"

Noticing her discomfort, Warren took a step forward, shielding her. His expression darkened at the sight of his archnemesis. "What are you doing here, Will?"

"You get away from her!" Will hissed, narrowing his eyes. "This is between me and Layla."

Layla shook her head in disbelief. "Will, please, I can explain! Just...I'll call you later, okay?"

"No," Will said bluntly. "Layla, I get it. And I'm sorry."

"What do you mean?"

"I should've realised your feelings for me sooner!" He sputtered. "I'm sorry, alright? I was stupid and oblivious when I should've noticed that the girl for me was right next to me this whole time! You don't have to play along with Warren's games anymore. I like you, too, Layla!"

Layla's head was spinning. Everything had gone exactly as planned, but it wasn't what she wanted at all. Her throat felt dry and her palms were sweaty. She didn't know what to do.

Warren narrowed his eyes and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him protectively. "Whoever said this was a game, Will? You lost your chance the moment you set eyes on another girl. It's too late now."

"No!" Will shouted, rage building up inside him. "You can't do this! I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Layla is happy and free from you!"

"Let's do this, Stronghold," Warren stalked towards him, his arms lighting up in flames.

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Layla cried.

"Stay out of this, Layla!" Will commanded. "Alex, NOW!"

Out of nowhere, Alex tore open a portal and Will charged at Warren, knocking both of them to the other side. They weren't at the beach anymore but in an open field of terrain surrounded by tall trees. It was almost reminiscent arena.

"No!" Layla yelled and jumped in after them right as the portal closed. 

She fell on her side on a patch of grass. As she lifted her head off the ground, she gasped in shock at the sight of the two boys standing opposite of each other. 

Layla felt even worse when they began to fight for her hand.

A/N: omg, this was a long one. Stay tuned for the thrilling battle!

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