The Wind, Fire and Earth

362 19 8

A/N: in this chapter, Will and Warren battle it out on the field for Layla. There are misunderstandings to be solved and a first date to complete!

"You're going down!" Will yelled as he flew up into the air and nosedived toward Warren.

Warren created a shield of fire and stumbled backwards from the impact, but he stood his ground and prepared for the next strike. Will cooled off his hands and was ready for another shot.

All the while, Layla was on the sidelines, too far away to do anything but getting closer made her more susceptible to taking damage from the recoil. 

"You're just like your father, aren't you?" Warren shouted as he blast a column of flames at him. 

"Family tradition!" Will called as he avoided the shot. "Won't be long before it's my turn to put you behind bars!"

Warren growled in disdain as he threw more fireballs at him, lighting a nearby tree on fire. The light from the fire illuminated the evening sky. "You'll regret this, Stronghold!"

Will grabbed the tree by the trunk, uprooted it and flung it towards Warren who narrowly dodged it. "I won't regret putting you in your place!"

I have to stop this...Layla thought as she got up and tried to run for it. 

Just as she was about to reach them, Will hovered over the grass, and raised his fist, plunging it into the ground. It caused a ripple of unearthed rocks, dirt and rubble that sent Warren and Layla flying back.

"Argh!" Warren groaned as his body was slammed against another tree.

Will scoffed as he landed in front of him. "Not so powerful now, are you?"

Warren glared up at him. "Don't be so sure." He reached a hand out in front of him and set the ground on fire. Will barely managed to fly away, and the bottom of his shoes were burnt.

"You-!" Will sputtered as Warren stood up, the flames dancing around his body menacingly.

Will narrowed his eyes. "Oh, it is on."

He put his fists up again, ready for the blow. Warren put up his own fists, setting his limbs ablaze. And just as they were about to lunge at each other-


The two of them were caught by surprise when giant tree roots rose out from the debris and wrapped around their bodies, suspending them up in the air and restricting their movements.

"This has gone too far!" Layla yelled angrily. She was standing on top of another tree root while holding the boys in place, keeping them trapped.

Her hair was undone from its braid and was now flowing in the breeze, her aura more terrifying than the fire. Specks of dirt smeared on her cheeks and her once white and dainty shoes were now muddy.

Will struggled against the bark, his legs firmly stuck together. "Wha-Layla! Why'd you come through the portal? It's dangerous!"

"Stop." She deadpanned. She turned her head to Warren.

Warren had a sad look in his eyes as he lowered his head. "I'm sorry you had to see all that, Layla. But I'm glad you're okay."

Layla sighed and shook her head. "I'm the one who's sorry. This all started with me."

She gently lowered them down and released them, the roots slithering back under the earth.

Will brushed himself off in disdain. "Layla, you were supposed to stay safe back there and Alex would've taken you home. You shouldn't have followed us!"

"Excuse me?!" Layla said sharply. "You just kidnapped my boyfriend and tried to battle him to the death! And you expected me not to follow?"

His eyes widened. "Are you serious?...him?"

Will took a step back and his eyes darted back and forth between the two of them. "Are you really...together?"

Warren nodded slowly as he rubbed the bruise behind his shoulder. "Listen to her for once, man."

"Will, we're dating now," Layla confirmed. "And even if you don't approve, it's our lives, not yours. There's nothing you can do about it because it was our decision."

Will let out a shaky breath. " really don't love me? Why would Jane lie to me about that?"

"I don't think she was..." Layla said softly. "She was trying to help because she thought I still had feelings for you. I mean, I did, but it was back in grade school and letting it drag on just wasn't working for me. It was just bad timing."

"So, came up with this ridiculous scheme by pretending to date..." Will shook his head in disbelief. " you're in love?"

"Yeah...we are," Warren replied. He stepped closer to Layla and gently took her hand in his. They smiled and looked lovingly into each other's eyes.

It was all too much for Will. And he turned his gaze away in shame, embarrassment and...remorse. His heart ached and was filled with regret. He really was too late.

"Will..." Layla turned back to him. "You need to send us back, it's getting late. need to let go."

He sighed and after a moment, took out his phone. "Hey, Alex? Could you open a portal back to the pier, please?"

Right on cue, another portal opened up with Alex standing on the other side, still on the beach. "You guys alright? You all look terrible."

The three of them stepped through and shot Alex a disgruntled look. He threw his hands up in the air and walked away. "Okay, I'm out. See ya. I'll be waiting on that $50 bucks, Will." He opened another portal and went home.

"Right. Okay. I'll, uh...I'm gonna go home, too." Will said curtly. There was a lot to process and he wasn't sure what to think of it.

"Okay," Layla said. "Just...don't worry too much over it. You're still my friend and I don't want you to be upset."

Will gave a half smile. "Thanks. At least we're still friends..." He turned his back and left.

They watched as he left the beach, looking cold and alone. There wasn't anything to be done but let him be. Will had to learn eventually, and he had to accept it.

"So...I guess this is the end of our date..." Layla muttered. "I didn't think it would end up like this."

"Hey," Warren held her shoulder. "It's okay. We broke the news to him and it didn't go over so well, but everything's fine now."

She gave a small laugh. "Yeah...I guess so. But I do wish we could've ended it better than that."

He looked up and smirked. "I think I can make that happen."

"How so?"

He held her hands in his affectionately. "I believe this was right where we left off."

Layla smiled and closed her eyes as Warren finally kissed her. They had been waiting for this all day. And this was a better time than any. The two heroes shared their passionate kisses under the twinkling stars. His warmth reached through her and their spark of love burned bright.

It was perfect. And it all felt right.

A/N: ooh, I'm two for two in the same month! It's not over yet though...there's a certain school dance they still have to attend...

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