Are you ready?

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A/N: in this chapter, Warren finally decides to take Layla out on their official first date. (we're getting to the good stuff soon I promise)

It had been a week since Warren and Layla switched their relationship from fake to real. They'd steal glances in the hallways, be a little too touchy during lab class and talk even more at their part-time jobs at the Paper Lantern.

Auntie Yang shook her head whenever she saw them distracted. "You two lovebirds can talk later. There's work to be done!"

It was getting late in the evening and the restaurant was about to close, something had been bugging Warren for a while: he hadn't actually taken Layla out before.

Maybe it was about time he did.

Just as Layla walked by, he gently brushed his hand against hers. "Pst, hey!"

She turned around. "Hm? What?"

"I, uh...I wanna take you out on a proper date." Warren said. "A real one."

Layla smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah. How about I pick you up at your place tomorrow?"

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Yeah, that sounds great!"

Warren grinned. "Clear your schedule. We're going to have a day just for the two of us."

"Oh, well, then," Layla chuckled. "I can't wait!"


Ding dong!

"Hey, Layla!-whoa!-" Magenta cried as Layla dragged her upstairs. "Whoa, slow down!"

"I can't!" Layla flung open her bedroom door to reveal piles of clothes scattered all over her room.

"Oh, dang," Magenta said, staring wide-eyed at the mess. "You're really freaked out about this date."

Layla nodded sadly and plopped down on the floor. "I've never been on an actual date before! I don't know what to wear or how to do my makeup and I tried to follow a hair tutorial in a magazine but it didn't work!"

Her hair was tangled near the ends, a section of it was curled, the other was straight and a small bit of it was crimped.

Magenta sucked her teeth. "Well, good thing you called me. Don't worry, I'm got you, girl." She set down her bag of hair and makeup supplies.

"Thanks, Magenta!" Layla sighed. "I've been trying on clothes for an hour and still haven't come up with anything!"

"Isn't Warren coming at 1 pm?" Magenta raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah? So?"

"'s 10 am in the morning." She stared at her. "You woke up at 9 am to find an outfit?"

"Well...I got a bit carried away." Layla admitted.

"I can tell," Magenta said. "Now, first things first, we gotta fix your hair."

"You're a lifesaver!"

"I know." Magenta smiled. "Trust me, Warren thinks you're beautiful. And when I'm done, you're gonna be even better!"


Soon, the official start time rolled around, and Warren arrived at Layla's front door, his chest pounding and a dazzling bouquet cradled in his arms.

He rang the doorbell and waited in anticipation. An older, red-headed woman opened the door.

"Hello, Mrs Williams," Warren smiled awkwardly. "Nice to meet you. Uh, I'm here to pick up Layla."

Layla's mother smiled knowingly. "Ah, I see. Well, it's lovely to meet you, too. You're a very handsome young man and you go to Sky High with my daughter, right?"

Warren nodded.

Mrs Williams approved and called Layla downstairs. "Layla! Sweetie, your date's here!"

"Coming!" Layla came down the stairs and Warren was blown away. 

Thanks to Magenta, her hair was styled perfectly in soft beach waves. She wore a lilac dress with a white cropped jacket and matching braided belt. A cute little violet purse and a delicate bow at the back of her head.

"Wow..." Warren stammered in awe. "You look beautiful."

Layla blushed. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome, you two!" Magenta singsonged as she left. "Enjoy your date!"

"Have fun!" Mrs Williams called. "Be back by 8 pm, alright?"

Warren nodded. "Yes, ma'am! You ready, Layla?"


They climbed onto Warren's motorcycle, and Layla was unafraid to wrap her arms around him this time. He couldn't help but smile knowing that she was there with him. Riding the streets alone got cold and weary sometimes, but he didn't have to worry about that anymore.

Warren and Layla had each other, and that wasn't something they'd exchange for the world.

They sped off down the road, the wind in their hair and smiles and their faces. As they drove, Layla couldn't resist staring at his shining amber eyes. She couldn't think of anything more perfect.

Suddenly, the thought of her ever having feelings for Will dissipated and faded away.

But while Layla was busy forgetting about him, Will Stronghold himself was staring out the window, watching his former best friend ride away with his archnemesis.

Jane had called him earlier and told him everything she heard, then she dumped him over the phone.

Will was baffled, of course. No one had ever dumped him before, and what's more, he couldn't believe that Layla had a crush on him since they were kids. Even if he knew sooner, he didn't think she'd pull an elaborate scheme like this to get at him.

And it just had to be Warren of all people. She just chose the right person to really piss Will off.

He couldn't stand back and let it all happen. She was getting herself into a bad situation because she didn't want to be honest and tell Will the truth. Will never knew how much Layla liked him, but now that she was messing around with Warren, he cared a lot.

Will didn't like any of it, and now that he's learned the truth of their little facade, he had to do something about it.

A/N:  good news! Exams are over and I'm back to updating! There's still one last arc I've got to get through so stick around until the end. And thank you so much to the readers who vote and comment to support me

Hope you all enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3

Set My Heart Ablaze | Warren X Layla [Sky High]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant