A Night to Remember (THE END)

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A/N: It's finally the prom night! 

"You ready, Layla?" Magenta grinned.

"I don't know...I'm kind of nervous!" She replied.

"Oh, come on, you look beautiful!" Her friend reassured her. "Warren's gonna love it! Trust me."

Layla smiled and nodded. "You're right, let's go!"

The two girls walked under the balloon arch into the busy school gymnasium. It was all decked out and covered with balloons, streamers and even a dazzling disco ball. The night of prom had finally arrived and it was certain to be one to remember.

"Psst, Layla," Magenta nudged her. "Boyfriend incoming! I'll leave you to it!" She winked and scampered off to find Zach.

Layla looked up to meet Warren's gaze as he stepped towards her, a dashing smile on his face. 

"Layla!" He swooped her up and twirled her around. "You look amazing." He admired her sage green gown, careful not to scrunch the layers of tulle.

"Thank you!" She laughed. "Magenta helped me pick it out. And you look amazing too! I never thought I'd see you wear formal clothes in red."

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Finally, got my own suit instead of using my dad's. Figured I'd make it count. Oh, right!-" He reached into his suit pocket. "-This is for you."

Layla gasped in delight as he pulled out a lovely white corsage and tied it around her wrist. "Wow," she touched it. "I love it!"

Warren shrugged. "It's nothing. Sorry, it's technically dead, though. Can't really have a corsage with a living flower."

She shook her head knowingly. "I know, but I still love it regardless."

Warren smiled softly, his eyes shining like he saw the stars every time he looked at his beautiful girlfriend. He never imagined it would come to this, but he's certainly glad that it did. For the first time, he was in love, he was happy, and he didn't want anything to change.

"Hey, Layla," he took her hand gently. "We have the whole night to spend time together, to dance, talk, whatever you want...but first, I can't have your full attention until we finish some business with our friends."

"What do you mean?"

He nodded towards her friend group huddled around a table with drinks in hand, staring intensely at the couple like it was a soap opera. "I think we should probably go talk to them first and get the whole couple thing over with first, you know? Fill them in, chat a bit and just hang out before we get to...us."

Layla looped her arm into Warren's elbow. "Then we better not keep them waiting!"

For the next twenty minutes, it was nonstop chatter and questions. The two of them felt like they were being interviewed for ages. 

"I totally called it from the start," Magenta said smugly as she sipped her punch.

"Wish I knew sooner, but, hey, whatever floats your boat." Zach shrugged, popping another finger sandwich in his mouth.

"I found the whole thing rather uncanny," Ethan commented while. "Though I am quite impressed and happy for the two of you!"

Warren gave her another soft smile and squeezed her hand, but his smile faltered when he looked behind her.

"Hey, guys..." Will said awkwardly, fiddling with his suit jacket sleeves.

"Well, look who decided to come back," Magenta took another long sip.

"I...um," Will sighed deeply. "I...came to properly apologise...to both of you."

They looked at each other awkwardly, but no one moved.

"Say what you have to say, Will," Warren said bluntly.

Will gulped. "Okay, well...Layla. I am so sorry for not being a better friend to you. I wasn't there for you when I should've been. I mean, we've known each other since grade school so I really have no excuse to treat you the way I did. And you're absolutely right, I don't have a say in your relationships or who you date. So...I'm sorry. For all of it. I hope you can forgive me one day."

Layla looked at him, and she saw sincerity in his eyes. "Will, thank you. I appreciate you respecting my decision. And I forgive you. But promise me that you won't try anything like that again, especially not putting lives in danger. That's not what being a hero means. And it's not what being a friend means either."

He nodded. "I promise. I never want to hurt you, Layla."

Then he turned to Warren and looked him straight in the eye. "Warren, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have meddled in your love life or kept you two apart. And I'm also making a promise to you not to follow the same path that our fathers did. I don't want us to be enemies. You're a hero, too, Warren. And I respect you."

Warren stepped forward and stared Will down, he was still a few inches taller than him. Will swallowed his saliva, hoping for the best.

Finally, Warren nodded slowly and reached out a hand. "I respect you too, Stronghold. I appreciate the gesture. So long as you never hurt Layla again."

Will let out a breath and they shook hands. "I can't tell you how good it feels to have sorted this whole mess out."

"Us too," Layla said.

Magenta, Zach and Ethan remained silent, watching this entire exchange like some television drama. Who needed TV when there was free entertainment right at their prom table?

"Well," Will said. "I'll leave you guys to it. My date's waiting for me." He waved goodbye and headed back beside Jane who smiled approvingly at him.

"Speaking of which..." Warren held out his hand again. "Care for a dance?"

Layla grabbed his whole arm and tugged him away from the table. "I thought you'd never ask!"

Their friends watched in bliss as the couple headed out onto the dance floor.

The whole crowd cheered as the DJ played the next song.

Warren held Layla by her waist as she threw her arms around his neck. Their longing and lovestruck eyes never tore apart for a second. 

"Hey, Layla..."


"...I love you," Warren said softly.

"...I love you, too," Layla whispered.

It was the perfect evening, the dance, the twinkling stars and the two of them in each other's arms. 

Warren bent his head forward and pressed another kiss on Layla's lips, this time longer, sweeter and warmer - like the fire that burned in his heart. Layla kissed him back, holding on even tighter.

This was exactly what she wanted all along. From that first moment when they made the dating contract, Layla felt her heart had been set ablaze.

And now she was here with the boy she loves, dancing the night away without a care in the world. 

Warren and Layla. Two heroes united. At that moment, nothing in the world was stronger than their passion and their burning love.


A/N: it's finally the end of this love story! If you've made it this far, I hope you enjoyed this read and come back for more fanfic! 

I loved writing this and I hope you all enjoyed reading this, too. Goodbye! <3

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