Awkward Morning After

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A/N: in this chapter, Layla and Warren establish they're relationship and reveal it to their friends, but an eavesdropper makes a surprising discovery

The sound of birdsong woke Layla from her sleep. Her mind was groggy and wanted to drift off again, but she noticed that she was warm...unnaturally warm.

As her eyes adjusted, she realised her face was right in front of Warren's, and he had his arms wrapped around her. Their noses barely touched.

The memory of their conversation last night flooded her mind and she felt herself blush. She envisioned her first kiss a thousand different times in a thousand different ways, but not once did she ever picture it with Warren Peace.

Except it was the one she had never imagined that became reality. 

The kiss was spontaneous, a spur-of-the-moment thing. But her feelings weren't. They had been building over time.

And now the boy she truly loved all along was right in front of her, holding onto her like she was the most precious thing in the world.

Layla froze as Warren grunted and slowly opened his eyes. 

His lips stretched into a tiny smile. "Good morning."

"Morning," Layla murmured back.

They both sat up and were quiet for a bit. In the light of day, everything that happened in the night seemed like a dream.

"So, um...about last night..." Layla began. "...There's a lot to unpack there."

Warren nodded silently.

"Then..." she said, turning to him. "...What are we?"

"Well," Warren replied. "I was hoping for something a little more than friends. But I don't want to rush. We're both pretty new to this."

"Yeah," Layla gulped. "I don't think we should tell anyone just yet."

Warren chuckled. "I mean, everyone already thinks we're together. Except now it's not fake."

"That's true..."

"Layla..." Warren said. "I meant what I said. I do like you. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or do anything hasty. I just want whatever makes you happy."

Layla smiled. "Yeah, okay. Thank you, Warren."

A loud bell rang in the distance, signalling for all the campers to head to the main hall for breakfast.

"RISE AND SHINE!" yelled Coach Boomer from up the hill. He was louder than any rooster.

"That's our cue," Warren said. 

"Um...I need to change," Layla said shyly.

"Oh, right, of course," Warren stammered. "Uh, I'll get going first. I slept in my clothes last night. See you at breakfast?"

"Yeah," Layla smiled reassuringly. 


"You're WHAT." Magenta cried, dropping her breakfast bagel.

"Official." Layla nodded.

"Wait, you weren't before?" Zack asked, confused. "Did I miss something?"

"Girl, spill. Now." Magenta said intently.

"Okay, well," Layla glanced at Warren. "We weren't really dating before, it was a fake arrangement we had together to make Will jealous didn't go as planned."

"So, you were fake dating before but now you're really dating?" Ethan piped up.

"Yeah, we are," Layla confirmed.

Magenta slowly shook her head. "I am both disappointed and proud. You came up with an elaborate scheme to get Will that I pushed for...but now this. My advice might not have been the best but wow."

"Yeah, I, uh...didn't think this would happen either," Layla said.

"Well, you know what. I'm still happy that you finally got to move on and find someone better for you." She replied and turned to Warren. "Warren, you're a great guy and I sincerely hope you do not hurt my best friend."

Warren nodded. "I promise. If I hurt her you can hurt me."


Zack was still in disbelief. "Man, this is crazy. I had no idea the whole relationship was fake."

Layla laughed. "Well, now I'm glad you all know the truth."

Unbeknownst to them, Jane had just walked by carrying her own breakfast tray. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but that last comment Zack made caught her attention. Had Layla and Warren been lying?

Jane sat down at her table next to Will, guilt overwhelming her. Was she so terrible after all for taking Will from Layla? 

"Jane, you okay?" Will asked. 

She gave a tiny smile. "I'm fine, just know."

Will chuckled and continued eating.

She sat there eating in silence thinking about how she might've accidentally stolen someone else's crush from them. Girls had to protect each other, and here she was with Will, not hiding the fact that they spent the night together at all.

Jane felt even more embarrassed after recalling the conversation she had with Layla last night. Too many things were running through her mind. How could she fix this?


The weekend camp trip was over, and while most people left without much change, things were stirring up for two particular couples.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is a bit short, guys. Exams are coming up and my upload schedule is slow already so please be patient with me!

Set My Heart Ablaze | Warren X Layla [Sky High]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ