Chapter Seven

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He stared at me with a calculating look on his face. His face gave me chills up my spine, so I retreated. Running behind haru, away from his gaze.

I peeked over her shoulder and hissed at the scary-demon-glasses-should-be-named-Satan-guy. It was then that I finally realized that there were five other people standing in the room. One was with blond hair looking scared, (be afraid...very afraid...muahahahaha) a little one [also with blond hair] looking at me curiously, (hah he sees how fabulous I am *mental hair flip*) and a biiiiiiiiiig guy with short black hair looking at me with no expression. (hm, what a party pooper)

My attention was drawn back to the scared blond. (hmmmmmm where have I seen him before?) His face soon turned into one of realization. "oh your the girl who leaped into my limo, sat on me, said a lot of weird stuff, then jumped out the window!' he exclaimed. "Wow you don't have to put in so much detail....anyway, YOU shouldn't have been in the way to make me think you were a frick'n talking tree. *hmph* I turned my face away from him with my arms crossed. "wha..bu..I" Dis guy was at a loss for words. "Tamaki use your words." the demon guy said. (you know what imma call him Lucifer, it fits him wonderfully)

The so called Tamaki ran to Lucifer and started crying at his feet. He looked annoyed and slowly but firmly pried Tamaki off of him. "Senpai are you ok?" haru asked looking tired.

Apparently Tamaki didn't notice that little itty bitty, teency weency fact and glomped her. "Awwww my cute little daughter is concerned for daddy!" (Ya know what that looks kinda fun! Screw this ninja stuff for a little while because, if I do say so myself, I've been doing a pretty top notch job) "group hug!" I exclaimed and bound over to them and the mini guy joined in as well while the huge dude stood off to the side."daaaawwwww come here big guy." I held my arm out to him and he picked all of us up in a hug then accidentally dropped us. "oomph" we all went together.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my head. "man that hurt we gotta work on that landing huh?" I heard a gasp and looked over at Tamaki to see him pointing at me, his jaw dropped. "Hah have you finally figured out how fabulous I am?" I looked around ze room and everyone was staring at me. "You know its disrespectful to stare guys, especially YOU Lucifer" his face was shocked then confused. I saw that the little person was looking at the floor. (hmmmm what's so it a bug!!!) but what I saw on the floor was [disappointingly] not a bug, but my wig.....

Oh crap.


heeeeey guys! plz dnt kill meh!!!!!!!!

I know I haven't updated in like FOREVER but I have a excuse!












im lazy -^-

welp I hope you like the chapter!




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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